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Lawrence Labs Retired Senior Scientist's Letter


Oct 22, 2009
California East Bay Area
For those who don't know, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, used to be the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, it sits in the hills on the Cal Berkeley campus, it's there that the cyclotron sits that was used in the experiments splitting the atom to create the atomic bomb, I've built two smaller cyclotrons there. This was a letter to the editor today from the retired senior scientist at the laboratory.

\ said:
Scientific data don't confirm hypothesisI am referring to an article in this paper, "Poll: Warming a concern."

Political polls are a poor substitute for scientific data regarding the proclaimed symptoms of the runaway global-warming hypothesis. The same for projections from computer-generated climate models.

The prime symptom is said to be greenhouse warming in the troposphere above the equator. U.S. satellites, measuring the temperature there since 1977, found no significant warming. That symptom doesn't exist.

The sea level has been steadily rising for 6,000 years. Measurements show no acceleration.

Computer-generated predictions of global temperature rise versus actual temperature measurements show climate models have totally failed to track reality. None have come close.

There has been no global warming for over 18 years as measured by satellite, a system not adjusted by global-warming advocates.

A hypothesis, to be considered sound science, must be confirmed by scientific measurement. If believers read the available empirical data regarding the lack of symptoms of runaway global warming, they might poll differently.

Donald G. Eagling


Eagling is a retired director of facilities and senior staff scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ¹
Too bad he didn't come forward while he was still working but probably feared being fired if he did the government is pumping so much money into this fraud. I'd sure like to see some criminal prosecutions of people like Michael Mann and the Green building Council, I think the ICC should be investigated too for their involvement in the green and energy codes. As more scientists retire many more should come forward.

¹ http://www.contracostatimes.com/letters/ci_28796190/sept-14-letters-editor
I'm old enough to remember the "COMMING ICE AGE" back about 1970. We were all gonna freeeeezzzzzeeeee!!!!!! I guess we fixed that too good. :p
pyrguy said:
I'm old enough to remember the "COMMING ICE AGE" back about 1970. We were all gonna freeeeezzzzzeeeee!!!!!! I guess we fixed that too good. :p
But they've come back with that too now, we've got 15 years before solar flares are going to put us into a deep freeze, any crisis will do, as long as it brings money into the universities and taxes into the government.

When I was in college in the early 50s the crisis was that the birthrate of women was inversely proportional to their IQ, the world would soon be populated by morons, a decade later Ehrlich published his Population Bomb, by 2000 the world would be overrun with starving people, then Ehrlich partnered with Obama's now Science Czar John Holdren in writing Ecoscience saying we were going to have to drape the world's water supplies with contraceptives to control the world's population. Now they are saying that the population of Sub-Saharan Africa is going to explode and by the year 2100 60% of the world will be African, people with an average IQ of 60, all of these calamities get recycled and combined to keep the crises up to keep the taxes up.

I left Peak Oil out of that too, I think it was about 2000 that we were soon going to run out of oil, now the world is flooded with oil and Iran is going to be able to flood it with more. But as long as intelligence keeps going down people buy in and can't seem to remember a few years back.
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A comment on a Bloomberg blog on the subject:

\ said:
So, let me get this straight.

I buy a Tesla in California, and I directly get a 10K taxpayer subsidy, and the benefit of another 12K ZEV credit. That's a 22K dollar subsidy. And I don't have to pay for the upkeep of the roads via the gasoline tax. Nor would I have to pay a carbon tax.

But if I'm a member of the struggling middle-class in Los Angeles, without the resources to put solar panels on my roof or a Tesla in my driveway, I'm going to have to pay a carbon tax?

And the editorial board then asks itself, "Why is Trump doing so well?"