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2023 FBC 8th Edition Residential Changes


Oct 16, 2009
Not where I really want to be
This is a small list of the changes in the residential book.

The 2023 Florida Building Code (FBC) Residential has introduced several significant changes, which include updates in various areas like design requirements, load capacities, electrical standards, mechanical requirements, and roofing specifications. Here are some of the key changes:

  1. Design of Operable Louvers: The new code mandates that operable louvers should be locked in a vertical open position when wind speeds are predicted to be 75 mph or greater, with a permanent decal or sign indicating this requirement.
  2. Minimum Uniformly Designed and Concentrated Live Loads on Guardrail Components: There are added concentrated live loads to the existing uniformly distributed loads, affecting certain connections and thicknesses of members.
  3. Flood-Resistant Construction Elevation Requirements: There are updated requirements for attached garages, carports, and detached accessory structures in flood hazard zones, including specifics about floor elevation and flood openings.
  4. Deck Beam Span Lengths: The code now includes a "joist span factor" in the calculation of deck joist spans, effectively reducing the joist spans and allowing for more economical beam design.
  5. Updated Referenced Standards: The 2023 FBC Residential references updated standards including the 2020 Aluminum Design Manual, ACI 318-19, and ASCE 7-22.
  6. Electrical Standards: Changes include updates to the identification of disconnecting means, ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection, emergency disconnects, single-phase dwelling services and feeders, and requirements for boat hoists and immersion pools.
  7. Mechanical Requirements: There are new guidelines regarding condensate drain discharges and the materials allowed for condensate drain piping.
  8. Roofing Changes: The updates include changes in the underlayment requirements for roofing, adjustments in the installation of mechanically fastened roof tile systems, and the elimination of the 25% Roof Replacement Rule in certain situations.