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Fire hydrant color

Inspector 102

Oct 22, 2009
N/E Indiana
Which standard establishes the standard color that the fire hydrant cap needs to be for fire flow. I thought it was NFPA 25 but can't find it anywhere.
it's in the IFSTA fire inspection & code enforcement book... and on the Fire 1 test I took.
Having served 26 years with a volunteer department I knew the required colors, just could not remember the section and I am trying to put together a general knowledge test for the department. It is amazing how the mind goes blank when you start trying to find the correct information. I guess that is why this board exists to get the wealth of knowledge of all the members.

Peach - I have seen your posts on a couple different forums and was wondering, do you work for a private or public office and how long have you been involved in code enforcement. You seem to be very passionate about your work.
Thanks for asking 102 .. private agency now.. public sector .. seems like most of my wretched life.. :)

I don't think you're going to find the coloring scheme in the IFC.

The IFSTA book is the only reference material you really need to pass Fire 1; no real challenging code questions on that test.

(I am pretty passionate about helping deliver safe buildings.. I don't agree with everything I HAVE to enforce)