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Assembly Group A-2 includes cafeterias. Would the classification still apply if the cafeteria was part of an educational complex? If the same building contained a gymnasium with bleacher seating, would that be A-3? A-3 includes gymnasiums, but without spectator seating. How do you classify a gymnasium with bleachers in an educational complex? Group A-4 doesn't seem to apply.
Hypothetical situation: 2018 IBC/IPC Nail salon, 14 pedicure stations, 6 nail stations. At max capacity their could be 20 people getting worked on, by presumably more than a few workers. So chair count plus workers would be 20+. OL by table would put the facility under 15 based on area. The design OL using t1004.5 would be such that separate facilities and drinking fountains would not be required, but the "potential" for use by more than 15 would exceed those thresholds. 1004.6 might...
I'm working on a two story 75k SF building thats type IIB. The client wants to build the core and shell (exterior walls, enclosed egress stairs, and elevator hoistways, electrical rooms) but do the fitout in a few years once they have more money. There wouldn't be any separation between floors while it sits as an empty shell since there are some areas that are open to the floor above. Is there any specific code implications this would have that would need to be done before the fit-out...
I have an unoccupied space on roof that exists to give the impression that there is a second story as viewed from the street. There are windows to the exterior in the space, some finishes on the walls if they can be seen from outside, some light fixtures, maybe some ductwork, but no equipment and no reason to access the space except if a light goes out, etc. The space has limited height and once you take into account a curb, I can only get a 6'-0" 'door', i.e., access panel. I believe this...
Hi I'm helping out one of my company's other offices on a university aircraft hangar project. S-1 classification, about 12,000sf. Existing metal building structure to remain. We're under the 2024 Ohio Building code and the equivalent Ohio Existing Building code. The project is essentially a recladding project, using insulated metal panels for the walls and a standing seam roof with a liner system for the roof. Minimal other work inside the building, new MEP, new accesible restroom...
Hello everyone, longtime reader first time poster. Usually I can navigate the Code pretty well, but this one is tricky. Here's my situation. I have a 4-unit townhouse development, adaptive re-use building on top of 4 single-level business occupancies. The existing lower level of each unit will become the lower level of the each new 2-storey townhouse. These are separate parcels, now under single ownership. The units are very small, 400-700 square feet per floor. Trust me, I would...
Thread 'Are Handrails Required on Exterior Stairs to Office Buildings?'
I have a remodel project where we resurfaced an existing exterior office plaza. Think something like this, but smaller: Plans approved, work basically done. The existing handrails were noted to remain, but have been removed by the owner. The AHJ hasn't called them out on that, but they're wondering if they could move the handrails to another, separate section of stairs and not have handrails on the closest stairs to the parking lot. If it were the image above, they want the handrails only...
COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL IN TYPES I AND II CONSTRUCTION QUIZ 1. According to Section 603.1, in which of the following scenarios is fire-retardant-treated wood permitted in Type I or II construction? A. Nonbearing partitions with a fire-resistance rating greater than 2 hours B. Nonbearing exterior walls requiring fire-resistance-rated construction C. Roof construction, including girders and trusses D. Shaft enclosures in Group I-2 occupancies 2. In buildings of Type IA construction exceeding...
Thread 'Stepped Aisle in Assembly Seating'
I am looking at a condition in an assembly space that raises questions regarding a stepped aisle leading to an upper gallery seating area. The area has three tiers of seats, with a stepped aisle as shown: Each of the treads on the steps is 11" wide, but note that on the second tier there is a wider segment (highlighted in yellow) corresponding to the level of the access aisleway. Is this permitted? My initial comment to the designer is no, this can't be done, because the surface does...
I have an existing five story commercial building in VA. The building has a 2hr rated elevator shaft with a machine room abutting it that is enclosed with a 2 hr rated enclosure. So far so good. During a renovation project for the elevator the Contractor found existing pipes and ducts passing through the existing machine room and serving other areas of the building, I checked the existing building drawings and I see that they enclosed ducts passing through similar spaces with 2 layers of...
1) how do you count occupant of a exterior balcony? 2) If I have a exterior balcony outside of a 300 occupant boardroom on the 3rd floor, do I need to provide two doors (> 50 occupant) in between the board room and balcony? (1) 3'-0" W. door can handle 180 occupant. (2) 3'-0" W. doors should be enough? 3) should these doors swing in or swing out? in egress perspective, balcony need to get back to the boardroom and get out, therefore, these doors should swing in? in user perspective, door...
Recently got a comment from an inspector that I'm struggling to rationalize fully. I'm probably reading too much into it, but I'm hoping you fine folks can help clarify the requirements they're referencing. 2022 California Building Code. Project is an existing commercial building. Permit was issued before the California Existing Building Code got major alterations, so that code isn't very applicable here. There's an existing exterior door we're planning on using as the accessible entry...
Thread 'Going above 3 stories using a 'horizontal exit''
Anyone ever use the following exception to go over 4 stories without an elevator in a R2? https://up.codes/viewer/wisconsin/ibc-2015/chapter/10/means-of-egress#1009.2.1
Hi, I've heard that there is a specific code in NC that governs internal market light strings (eg 110V, 35 LEDs on a string). Can anyone point me in the right direction please? cheers!
On a 2hr fire barrier, if you're using exception #3 under IBC 707.6 (to rate door same as wall in order to exceed 25% limit), what if any is the size limit for the door vision panel? It seems like since table 716.5 is allowing a 100 sq. in. panel in a 2hr wall when the opening is minimum 90min, that 100 sq. in is ok. Can a larger panel be used if it's tested/listed as a 2hr opening protective? The exception was specific to 'fire-resistance rating', which leads me to 716. instead of...
Hello, I live in a city in NW Montana where we get considerable snow. Last fall, a commercial property owner near me constructed a new porch roof over their main entry to a nearly 30,000 sq. ft. warehouse that is partially being converted to retail space. Being somewhat familiar with building construction and concerned the new roof seemed inadequately constructed, I requested a copy of the building permit from the city. They sent me a permit with nearly all the information required by the...
Type V-1 hour apartment building, 2021 IBC / 2022 CBC Exterior walls 13' from property line. Roof trusses have 1 hour rated roof-ceiling assembly throughout. It qualifies for IBC 705.11 exception#4 which says parapets need not be provided. Parapets are not being used to provide a fire separation - - they exist to help direct rainwater towards the drains. QUESTION: when non-required parapets are provided anyway(usually for drainage or for hiding rooftop equipment), do the parapets need to...
Question: Generally, what number is used for calculating the occupancy loads for general multi-purpose spaces? like general use in a university student center, where the room is big and empty and could be used for a career fair one day, and an awards banquet the next. Would that be Unconcentrated - tables and chairs, 15 net? what can I allowably take out from gross area since it is net?
What is the difference between Two-Way communication system and Emergency Coverage System? If I provide either one or another is that suffice to comply Code for a 4-story multifamily complex? Do I need to provide both systems?
Thread 'Number of Toilet Fixtures for Mechanical and Storage'
I have a school facility with a mixture of occupancies: business, assembly, classroom, mechanical, and storage. I include the area of the mechanical and storage when figuring occupancy loads although I've seen opinions that these rooms should be counted as 0 occupants. When figuring the number of toilet fixtures required for these 2 occupancies however, and having to roundup before you add them together, I get an inordinate amount of toilets for what to some is considered 0 occupancy. In the...
Hi, We have an exposed ceiling to deck (including metal beams) which we have painted black. The previous Fire Alarm company installed their cables and didn't hide them well at all. Is it permissible to wrap in black self-wrapping sleeve such as this: https://www.amazon.com/Kable-Kontrol-100-Organizer-Management/dp/B07CND83L4? In NC.
Hello! We’re in Raleigh, NC and expanding an event space. Where can I find the code for running speaker wire and cat 6? It’s a type 2B building and open ceiling 17’ to deck. Many thanks! David
I have a tricky demising wall question: I have a 1 story tenant improvement project that is an existing commercial building (9,000sf total) with a triangular attic full of wood trusses and bracing. There is an existing layer of drywall on the existing bottom chord of the trusses. The client's space will be 3,000sf and we obviously need to add a rated demising wall, as the adjacent space will be a different tenant. Same use though (B). The existing building is Type V with no sprinkler...
The question has come up whether a FSAE can be used to move garbage up and down a high rise. I have not found any restrictions in the IBC or ASME 17.1 , but I only have an older edition at hand. Any pointers?
Can anyone confirm that Hawaii has no requirement for a twelve-inch horizontal handrail extension at the bottom of stair, just the diagonal extension for one tread width? I know that requirements for the additional extension were removed in the 2004 ADA Standard and the 2003 ANSI 117.1 and that the IBC has never required it except by reference to ANSI 117.1. I've looked at the State of Hawaii's Amendments to IBC (2018) and can't find anything. Are there local requirements I haven't found...