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NYS - ENERGY CODE R402.2.2 "Ceiling without attic spaces"


Feb 7, 2020
this section of the code allows for a reduction in the R value of ceiling insulation for ceilings without attic spaces, however it is limited to 500 s.f. or 20% of the "Total insulated ceiling" would this be 20% of all the insulated ceilings in the residence or 20% of a specific room or space with sloped ceilings ?
The total aggregate area of the ceiling. The 500sf² is an aggregate as well. So if you have multiple cathedral areas you can only provide the reduction for up to 500sf² total between all areas.
The total aggregate area of the ceiling. The 500sf² is an aggregate as well. So if you have multiple cathedral areas you can only provide the reduction for up to 500sf² total between all areas.
in calculating the 20% is it 20% of all ceilings in the residence?
You mean for a 500 sq ft addition without an attic you would not get a break because it would not be 20% of the addition, it would be 100% of the addition?
Interesting scenario. I would count the entire ceiling, but I think there is some dilemma. I guess you could "dis-allow" the existing ceilings that don't meet the current prescriptive values. At this point they would just go to REScheck or a performance option I think.
N1108.1 (R502.1) General. Additions to an existing building,
building system or portion thereof shall conform to the
provisions of this chapter as they relate to new construction
without requiring the unaltered portion of the existing building
or building system to comply with this chapter. Additions
shall not create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload
existing building systems. An addition shall be deemed to
comply with this chapter where the addition alone complies,
where the existing building and addition comply with this
chapter as a single building, or where the building with the
addition does not use more energy than the existing building
Additions shall be in accordance with Section N1108.1.1 or