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Apparently it has arrived. Plan Review Utilizing AI


Forum Coordinator
Oct 16, 2009
Somewhere Too Hot & Humid
Recently, my Town Manager returned from a conference where the topic of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in building plan review was discussed. Intrigued by the possibilities, I've been tasked with researching this emerging technology and its potential applications in our field.

The idea of automating plan review through AI is fascinating and could revolutionize the way we work. AI algorithms can potentially analyze building plans much faster than a human, identifying code violations or inconsistencies with remarkable accuracy. This could not only speed up the approval process but also free up valuable time for us to focus on other critical aspects of our jobs.

However, I'm also aware that implementing AI in such a complex and nuanced field comes with its own set of challenges. There are questions about the technology's ability to interpret codes that often require human judgment, and concerns about the initial cost of implementation.

I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with AI in building plan review:
  1. What software or platforms are you using, and how have they performed so far?
  2. What are the most significant benefits you've observed?
  3. Have you encountered any challenges or limitations?
  4. What was the process of implementation like, and what costs were involved?
  5. Do you think AI can ever fully replace human expertise in this field, or will it serve more as a supplementary tool?
Your insights will be invaluable as we consider venturing into this new territory. I'm particularly interested in any case studies, research papers, or firsthand accounts you can share.
Don't worry, all of you folks will retire before ai get good enough to replace you. ;)
@jar546, I'm eager to try such a new tool. The tech cannot make as many errors as we human building inspectors do while juggling an impossible workload.
It would definitely speed things up both for planning and building departments. Think of an instant zone check upon receiving plans. instant spatial separation calculation. I don't know if there are many officials on this website who are able to fit in a couple of afternoon naps on the job these days, but it isn't happening in my area. Ai has already the potential to speed up permit processing and maybe, just maybe, prevent a couple of burn out of us rascals.
  1. none yet :'(
  2. n/a
  3. n/a
  4. +/-50K$cad for a few months pilot.
  5. fear not, you'll be cashing in that pension before Skynet takes over the municipal hall. Younger millennials will probably work towards ramping it up for 1 or 2 decades after all baby boomers and part of gen-X leave the workforce. Unless we get another crisis that cannot be ignored, like covid, that forces us to adopt technologies.
Have a chat with David Hunt david@archistar.ai

Exciting assignment! wish you success :D
A big part of plan checking is staring at the plans. Cross referencing the detail drawings. Spotting a wrong detail or missing call out. The impossible details.

AI can take over tasks that rely solely on calculations but if staring at the plans is part of it...well that might be more than a computer can pull off.

As AI creeps into the work, people will become dumber. Look at the occupation of airline pilot. Computers handle the flight from runway to runway. In an emergency the pilot is there to wet the seat and not a whole lot more.
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California just passed a law requiring $20/minimum wage for fast food workers...do you think this legislation will result in more or less humans being employed in the fast food industry?

A rhetorical question...

One wonders though, with the implementation of AI in plan review, would you learn how to building code or not?

It seems to me that a much more practical application of AI would be in the creation of said plans, for review. Why stop there...why not just create error-free building plans, generated by AI, rather than use AI to correct human error in plan review?

Then we would no longer need plan review...

Learn how to maintenance burger flipping machinery residing in buildings constructed and inspected by robots, and built from plans created, reviewed and approved by AI...that is the future you're dreaming of...

"I. am. with. the. government. I. am. here. to. help. you." said the inspector-robot-thingy.

Now, for the rest of the story...
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I remember when autocad or other cad type systems came out and was going to save so much time we wouldn't have a job in a short amount of time.
I read a great article, bookmarked it for future reference, then broke my phone. I will try to find it again. One thing I thought of and the article touched on were the plans. Even IF an AI could do the job, it would require a revolution in plan preparation. The myriad of different ways plans are created would need to be standardized, as would use of symbols, tags, scales etc. We may get to some hybrid use of AI some day but I think I will be long gone by that time.
And here we go

The "learn more" button tells me it is included with digital codes premium, but I don't see how to get there. If I do I will play with it in my spare time.
Does "spare time" come with premium too? Still haven't been able to find that....
Oddly enough, when I wrote that I was really saying I probably won't be looking any time soon. But, then I received a call from someone at ICC involved with the development of it and we had a pretty good chat about it. At least for now, it is pretty basic and can really only help with the basic black & white. They said it just went live today and I think were surprised at the timing of my inquiry about it. News travels fast among us nerds.
Oddly enough, when I wrote that I was really saying I probably won't be looking any time soon. But, then I received a call from someone at ICC involved with the development of it and we had a pretty good chat about it. At least for now, it is pretty basic and can really only help with the basic black & white. They said it just went live today and I think were surprised at the timing of my inquiry about it. News travels fast among us nerds.
Keep us informed of any new developments.
Oddly enough, when I wrote that I was really saying I probably won't be looking any time soon. But, then I received a call from someone at ICC involved with the development of it and we had a pretty good chat about it. At least for now, it is pretty basic and can really only help with the basic black & white. They said it just went live today and I think were surprised at the timing of my inquiry about it. News travels fast among us nerds.
Yeah...i had a discussion early this week with my GR rep about "testing" their solarapp against some of our submissions and see how it really does on plan review...
Yeah...i had a discussion early this week with my GR rep about "testing" their solarapp against some of our submissions and see how it really does on plan review...
That is what ICC is doing. We agreed that the simple stuff can be tested and work, but the subjective stuff is beyond the AI and will require us carbon based life-forms to weigh in on......for now.
I have access with my premium subscription. I am not in the digital premium that much because I use codes in PDF (old dog/new tricks thing) so until those become obsolete it is just easier. But, I can go in and play, so if anyone does not have access and wishes to test it let me know and I will give it a shot. I think ICC might appreciate it, as they too are trying to define capabilities and limitations.
It's got a long way to go....and so does ICC staff or whoever is monitoring this...People would get a lot better answers coming here...Hopefully they are just in the machine learning stages and they are not pushing out bad answers...

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That is what ICC is doing. We agreed that the simple stuff can be tested and work, but the subjective stuff is beyond the AI and will require us carbon based life-forms to weigh in on......for now.
"for now" being at least a month or two, right?
California just passed a law requiring $20/minimum wage for fast food workers...do you think this legislation will result in more or less humans being employed in the fast food industry?

A rhetorical question...

One wonders though, with the implementation of AI in plan review, would you learn how to building code or not?

It seems to me that a much more practical application of AI would be in the creation of said plans, for review. Why stop there...why not just create error-free building plans, generated by AI, rather than use AI to correct human error in plan review?

Then we would no longer need plan review...

Learn how to maintenance burger flipping machinery residing in buildings constructed and inspected by robots, and built from plans created, reviewed and approved by AI...that is the future you're dreaming of...

"I. am. with. the. government. I. am. here. to. help. you." said the inspector-robot-thingy.

Now, for the rest of the story...
It's closer than you think. I have asked ChatGPT 4 to give me an outline of the process to teach it how to draw log home plans...to code. It is my understanding that it has passed a number of inspector tests and engineering tests in various states and has access to and understands the ORSC in my state. Since corporations seem to be people, why not AI agents or assistants? As soon as they have a structural engineer's stamp and or Architect's stamp why do we even need a building department? (or its fees?) Quite frankly, I want to retire and no one wants to draw log home plans...so I'm going to teach an AI agent to do it...by gum. Hurry Sundown.
Funny this comes back up right when that California law just went into effect a few days ago and suddenly people are losing their burger-flipping jobs...imagine that. Oh...and a burger and fries just got a lot more expensive in California too...

Can you imagine the uproar in the machine world when lowly humans insist on 'reviewing' and approving' the machine's work before construction can begin...

Is there a Coding Building Design 101 course I can sign up for?
Very interesting and informative podcast series right now on the Ezra Klein Show. First episode covers the current state of affairs of LLM/AI, and how to most effectively use the tools at hand. And to address an earlier statement about not losing our jobs to AI before we all retire; We're talking months now, not years. If you haven't begun to learn how to use AI in your work on the daily, I would suggest you start NOW!
