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organization of exam questions - Building & Residential codes

just ducky

Jan 12, 2018
I'm preparing to take the Building and Residential Inspector test for the first time. I've reviewed all the material on the ICC exam website, the exam catalogs and bulletins. I understand how many questions there are, and how much percentage is dedicated to each of the areas. I'm pretty familiar with the building and residential codes, so I'm fairly comfortable with taking the test. I have the ICC study guide, and it's broken down by specific groups of chapters or areas of the code. This helps significantly narrow down the chapters of the code you need to review for those particular questions. Especially when you need to actually look up a code section for the answer. So my question is this...is the test broken down into areas of the code, with sub-topics, similar to the study guide? For example, the first five questions being related to a specific grouping within the code? Or is each individual question on the exam randomly from anywhere in the code, and jumping back and forth randomly? If it's the latter, then I can see looking up code sections could eat a ton of time up. Even if you are familiar with the code. Any thoughts from those who have taken the exams?

Will let others answer the set up,

I am thinking the questions are jumbled

Have you tabbed the chapters , index, and table of contents ??
The index will be your best friend during the exam. there you will find specific codes sections for specific subjects
Example IRC, it is a venting question, check the index and there is venting for mechanical and plumbing and referenced code sections

Will let others answer the set up,

I am thinking the questions are jumbled

Have you tabbed the chapters , index, and table of contents ??

Yes, I've tabbed the code book. If anyone has seen the ICC study guide, it's broken into "groupings" of chapters. Say the first 3 or 4 chapters are together, and the questions from that section are from those specific chapters. So that cuts down the searching if/when you need to.

I'm pretty comfortable and familiar with the layout of the code. So I'm thinking the tabs and the index will be really helpful.

I tend to overthink these things. And when I look at 60 questions, and 120 minutes allowed, my mind thinks 2 minutes max per question, and I start to panic that if I get stuck on a couple and spend 4 or 5 minutes searching out an answer, I'm shooting myself in the foot.

Oh well.
The index will be your best friend during the exam. there you will find specific codes sections for specific subjects
Example IRC, it is a venting question, check the index and there is venting for mechanical and plumbing and referenced code sections

Agreed. The index can be very helpful. And I'm pretty familiar with it.
I spoke with someone at ICC in the exams area. She said they questions are in fact "grouped" by sections of the code, and questions are all related to that particular grouping. That's really my question, and I think I get it now.
I spoke with someone at ICC in the exams area. She said they questions are in fact "grouped" by sections of the code, and questions are all related to that particular grouping. That's really my question, and I think I get it now.


If what you heard is true, then they have changed them greatly. I've taken eight exams over the years, and they have always been totally random.

Good luck!

PS - Yes, the index will be your best friend!

If what you heard is true, then they have changed them greatly. I've taken eight exams over the years, and they have always been totally random.

Good luck!

PS - Yes, the index will be your best friend!
I understand that they have in fact changed them. The questions are still random, but are within groupings of the code. Again, very similar to how the ICC study guides are laid out. However they said they are not in the same order as the code. In other words, administration or building planning questions could be nearer the end of the exam, not at the beginning like they are in the code.
Even grouping subject together is going to really simplify the tests......not really to sold on that idea at all.

Of course, I think that there should still be a closed book portion on any test, like back in the old ICBO days.

You had to know your stuff back then..........

Yes, I've tabbed the code book. If anyone has seen the ICC study guide, it's broken into "groupings" of chapters. Say the first 3 or 4 chapters are together, and the questions from that section are from those specific chapters. So that cuts down the searching if/when you need to.

I'm pretty comfortable and familiar with the layout of the code. So I'm thinking the tabs and the index will be really helpful.

I tend to overthink these things. And when I look at 60 questions, and 120 minutes allowed, my mind thinks 2 minutes max per question, and I start to panic that if I get stuck on a couple and spend 4 or 5 minutes searching out an answer, I'm shooting myself in the foot.

Oh well.

Have not tested in forever

So do not know if you can skip and go back
I spoke with someone at ICC in the exams area. She said they questions are in fact "grouped" by sections of the code, and questions are all related to that particular grouping. That's really my question, and I think I get it now.
I've taken about 15 different exams, and while it may seem you get a few questions grouped together in a row, I'd definitely say that it is a random sequence which questions are asked.

If the exam has more than one reference (CBO exams), than it is absolutely random as you will bounce from book to book.
I've taken about 15 different exams, and while it may seem you get a few questions grouped together in a row, I'd definitely say that it is a random sequence which questions are asked.

If the exam has more than one reference (CBO exams), than it is absolutely random as you will bounce from book to book.

^^^ That's how it was when I did my testing ~3 years ago. Why would they change it to group like questions together? I don't want to belittle the certifications any (especially since I have more than a few of them myself) but the tests aren't really that hard to begin with. If they're making them easier, they're doing us all a disservice.
thats me...Fat fingers, I was saying just took the P1 this week on computer. 60 questions seemed random, didn't really notice a group. My third certification and my way is to answer all the questions with out the book marking the ones I want to come back to. I did notice that the a couple of questions were close together in the book but assumed it was because it was focused on plumbing. I will say don't take ANYTHING you don't need.when they say no personal items, they mean no change in your pocket, no watch or water bottle, not even a pack of gum. You might right crib notes on the gum wrapper ;)
I took my citizenship test and the first question was how many states are there? the second question was, what color are the stripes in the flag? and the third question was, who's the president of United States?

Hope this helps you out, here the answers;
1) 34-36
2) Blue and Gold
3) J.C. Penny