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used grease hood install

If it is a listed hood then all I would require is the manufactures clearance requirements. Otherwise treat it as an unlisted hood and follow IMC Section 507 and do not forget the test requirements

507.16 Performance test.
A performance test shall be conducted upon completion and before final approval of the installation of a ventilation system serving commercial cooking appliances. The test shall verify the rate of exhaust airflow required by Section 507.13, makeup airflow required by Section 508 and proper operation as specified in this chapter. The permit holder shall furnish the necessary test equipment and devices required to perform the tests.
507.16.1 Capture and containment test.
he permit holder shall verify capture and containment performance of the exhaust system. This field test shall be conducted with all appliances under the hood at operating temperatures, with all sources of outdoor air providing makeup air for the hood operating and with all sources of recirculated air providing conditioning for the space in which the hood is located operating. Capture and containment shall be verified visually by observing smoke or steam produced by actual or simulated cooking, such as with smoke candles, smoke puffers, etc.
Listed one only
Why only a listed hood when the code tells you how to build one?
And maybe someone to certify it meets all your current codes.
That is the plans examiner and inspectors job to see the hood meets all of IMC 507.

Factory listed and labeled do not have to meet all of section 507. Non listed or labeled do and that is the job of the local AHJ to see it meets compliance

1. Factory-built commercial exhaust hoods that are listed and labeled in accordance with UL 710, and installed in accordance with Section 304.1 shall not be required to comply with Sections 507.4, 507.5, 507.7, 507.11, 507.12, 507.13, 507.14, and 507.15.
2. Factory-built commercial cooking recirculating systems that are listed and labeled in accordance with UL 710B, and installed in accordance with Section 304.1 shall not be required to comply with Sections 507.4, 507.5, 507.7, 507.11, 507.12, 507.13, 507.14, and 507.15. Spaces in which such systems are located shall be considered to be kitchens and shall be ventilated in accordance with Table 403.3. For the purpose of determining the floor area required to be ventilated, each individual appliance shall be considered as occupying not less than 100 square feet (9.3 m2).
105.5 Material, equipment and appliance reuse. Materials, equipment, appliances and devices shall not be reused unless such elements have been reconditioned, tested and placed in good and proper working condition and approved.
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105.5 Material, equipment and appliance reuse. Materials, equipment, appliances and devices shall not be reused unless such elements have been reconditioned, tested and placed in good and proper working condition and approved.

Thanks for the save
Why only a listed hood when the code tells you how to build one?

That is the plans examiner and inspectors job to see the hood meets all of IMC 507.

Factory listed and labeled do not have to meet all of section 507. Non listed or labeled do and that is the job of the local AHJ to see it meets compliance

1. Factory-built commercial exhaust hoods that are listed and labeled in accordance with UL 710, and installed in accordance with Section 304.1 shall not be required to comply with Sections 507.4, 507.5, 507.7, 507.11, 507.12, 507.13, 507.14, and 507.15.
2. Factory-built commercial cooking recirculating systems that are listed and labeled in accordance with UL 710B, and installed in accordance with Section 304.1 shall not be required to comply with Sections 507.4, 507.5, 507.7, 507.11, 507.12, 507.13, 507.14, and 507.15. Spaces in which such systems are located shall be considered to be kitchens and shall be ventilated in accordance with Table 403.3. For the purpose of determining the floor area required to be ventilated, each individual appliance shall be considered as occupying not less than 100 square feet (9.3 m2).

Yes but the plan person can ask a lot of questions, to show compliance,

Plus documents the install
It is not a save when you are the one responsible to approve it

[A] APPROVED. Acceptable to the code official or other authority having jurisdiction.
At that point the timeclock is ticking as to useful life remaining in the unit (smiling). Save $'s up front but pay to repair/replace down the line.