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Backup generators


Jun 28, 2019
Newton Kansas
Is there any rules as to the locations of 1600A back up generator placement in reference to the distance from a non combustible buildings? It would be outside of the dining area of a retirement home so egress would not be a concern and it is fully sprinklered. The Electrician called me today with a question on placement. I just don't want to give him wrong information. it would be far enough back that zoning would not come into play. Any input appreciated.
Diesel or Natural gas??

If Diesel does it have a belly tank or stand alone

Do the feds or state inspect the place annually for medical
OK will get them! and not entirely sure just yet. Right now they got a rental (Diesel) and the new one will be 7X20 so I am assuming diesel because he did not mention gas and I didn't see a locate for it marked. only saw electrical and fiber optic flagged not NG in the area of where the slab is going to be poured. It there a requirement for Bollards since it will be right next to a parking lot?
Still looking for distance

603.3.1 Fuel oil storage in outside, above-ground tanks.
Where connected to a fuel-oil piping system, the maximum amount of fuel oil storage allowed outside above ground without additional protection shall be 660 gallons (2498 L). The storage of fuel oil above ground in quantities exceeding 660 gallons (2498 L) shall comply with NFPA 31.

Some reason I got ten feet in my mind

And yes bollards
700 may get some additional requirements

Over the 660

Still looking

Some reading:; not from i codes

1) Emergency generator location. The generator must be located in accordance with the location requirements found in the Health Care Facilities Code (NFPA 99 and Tentative Interim Amendments TIA 12-2, TIA 12-3, TIA 12-4, TIA 12-5, and TIA 12-6), Life Safety Code (NFPA 101 and Tentative Interim Amendments TIA 12-1, TIA 12-2, TIA 12-3, and TIA 12-4), and NFPA 110, when a new structure is built or when an existing structure or building is renovated.
This may be the answer

Just confirm

the 2009 International Fire Code, Section 3404. Above-ground tanks for the storage of Class IIIB liquids, excluding unstable liquids, shall be located in accordance with Table of NFPA 30.

Per Table of NFPA 30, tanks storing under 12,000 gallons of Class IIIB combustible liquids may located as close as 5' to adjoining property lines and structures.

The generator itself may have stricter clearances based on manufacturers installation guidelines and other code requirements concerned about pulling diesel exhaust into air intake openings for the building, but I routinely see installations closer than 30' to buildings. Coupled with the fact that you have active construction inspections which should have checked all this, I'm guessing you have nothing to worry about.
Does the generator have to go through a zoning board for approval prior to install. Are plan, site plans or an application required prior to install?

The generator itself may have stricter clearances based on manufacturers installation guidelines and other code requirements concerned about pulling diesel exhaust into air intake openings for the building

What cda posted would be a major concern, you already indicated a non-combustible building which is a plus. I think distance to the building is the may issue and the bollards protecting the generator is important but protecting the occupants is the main priority, IMHO.

I get the impression it may be a used generator and not new?
Does the generator have to go through a zoning board for approval prior to install. Are plan, site plans or an application required prior to install?

What cda posted would be a major concern, you already indicated a non-combustible building which is a plus. I think distance to the building is the may issue and the bollards protecting the generator is important but protecting the occupants is the main priority, IMHO.

I get the impression it may be a used generator and not new?
No it does not have to go through zoning because it is in the middle of the property. So our zoning wouldn't dictate the placement. I am looking at it from code side. It is going to be a new unit, He is getting me the manufacturers install specs. I have asked that it be places at least 5' from sidewalk and 5' from building.
CDA thanks for the info it really helped. Table is for class IIIB, and diesel is a class II liquid but I think those number will still apply according to I will look into the intake and exhaust factor. Its a fairly old building so I would have ne access to plans I will go out today and see if t here are any intakes on that side of the building. They are only in the preliminary stage as of yet and he told me to contact him if I find more info. He may just be using me to win a bid I don't know. If he is so be it as long as he gets it in there right.
Remember the ""Jeopardy"" factor,,,

Old people don't want their Jeopardy show disturbed, by the generator test!! so not sure how noisy this unit is, but, might push it away from the building, because of that.