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Apt building had fire in the building in Georgia?


Apr 7, 2017
What ICC {fire/bldg)codes can used to justify adding a fire sprinkler to a existing 2 story apartment building that had a fire in one of the units on three separate occasions?

I don't think there is anything you can do retroactively to force the installation of a sprinkler system. How extensive was the fire damage? If they had to perform a Level 2 Alteration per the Work Area Compliance Method, then a sprinkler system would likely be required if the situation conforms to one of the conditions provided (IEBC Section 803.2.2). However, the Prescriptive Compliance Method would not require the installation of a sprinkler system. Also, the IFC does not require the installation of a sprinkler system in an existing Group R-2 building.

Otherwise, get an ordinance passed that requires the installation of a sprinkler system for Group R-2 occupancies (or any occupancy group) when a fire event is recorded on three separate occasions that cause more than $X of damage for each fire event or involves two or more units.
Thanks for the information but,the apt building had three different fires on separate occasions and the last fire went through the roof in one of the apt units.
Thanks for the information but,the apt building had three different fires on separate occasions and the last fire went through the roof in one of the apt units.
I understand, but the application of code requirements is not based on events...it is based on type and extent of construction. If the magnitude of fire damage does not involve a level of reconstruction that would trigger the installation of a sprinkler system, then the owner is not obligated to have one installed.

It would be more likely that the building owner’s insurance company may force the issue in order for the building owner to keep premium costs as low as possible.