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Accessibility to Storage or Equip. Room

C & A

Nov 17, 2009
It appears that the California Building Code allows the door into a storage room to be 32", then is silent on whether the interior of the storage room has to have wheelchair clearances inside the room. If we have a server room with equipment racks, do we need to provide wheelchair clearances between the equipment racks? The occupant load of the room is less than 10. Also, the tenant could move the racks around at some point. Do they have to maintain clearances? I thought storage or equipment rooms did NOT have to be accessible, but I cannot find language in the CBC which specifically exempts storage/equipment rooms from accessibility requirements.



1123B.l General. Employee areas shall conform to all requirements of the Division of the State Architect-Access Compliance in the California Building Code, Plumbing Code and Electrical Code.

That includes storage rooms. No exception.
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Great list! BUT, if you have state or local amendments, they may not be included. I went through the Ohio building, mechanical, and plumbing codes, except for an outdated Chapter 1 (which is totally re-written by the state, latest rewrite in July, 2009), there were no Ohio amendments included. Just a vanilla version of IBC, IMC, and IPC. Yours may be different.

Just a heads up.
Plans Approver said:
Great list! BUT, if you have state or local amendments, they may not be included. I went through the Ohio building, mechanical, and plumbing codes, except for an outdated Chapter 1 (which is totally re-written by the state, latest rewrite in July, 2009), there were no Ohio amendments included. Just a vanilla version of IBC, IMC, and IPC. Yours may be different.Just a heads up.
That means amendments were made after the original publish date. Also refer to the date adjacent to the code, thats when it was scaned.
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That means amendments were made after the original publish date. Also refer to the date adjacent to the code, thats when it was scaned.
Ok, I missed the dates. But the amendments made with the adoption of the state version were not included. We have over 1000 changes/amendments made to bring the model code inline with state statutes.
Plans: Also thanks for the heads up. It will take me some time to read over the list. My original reason is that a good deal of issues arise on California code issue which I had not reference to what the code consists of so one is kinda in the dark. This gives at least a great starting point.