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American Coffee Shop Closes after 3rd ADA Lawsuit

No, its not a law, its an act. The ADA does not have any enforcement or punitive provisions, all those are handles by civil law suits. And what everyone is building toward ... ADAAG ... the AG is accessibility guidelines. The states and in some cases cities then incorporate those guidelines into their codes.

The effect is the same, but the ADA is not wielding the stick, just the carrot.
On March 28, 2014, the Department of Justice issued a Final Rule that adjusts for inflation the civil monetary penalties assessed or enforced by the Civil Rights Division, including civil penalties available under title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). For the ADA, this adjustment increases the maximum civil penalty for a first violation under title III from $55,000 to $75,000; for a subsequent violation the new maximum is $150,000.
Hi gang, visiting the east coast (Virginia) from CA. Interpretation here is obviously "not" held to the degree we are in CA (smiling).
As to Johnson, similar to Capone, greed and the $$$'s brought the IRS into the game and brought him down.
Ultimately the DOR still has a responsibility to adhere to codes, laws and regulations; many of which are not addressed by AHJ's.
There in lies a level of responsibility often misunderstood/assumed/overlooked by clients and DORs.
On March 28, 2014, the Department of Justice issued a Final Rule that adjusts for inflation the civil monetary penalties assessed or enforced by the Civil Rights Division, including civil penalties available under title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). For the ADA, this adjustment increases the maximum civil penalty for a first violation under title III from $55,000 to $75,000; for a subsequent violation the new maximum is $150,000.
That DOJ was run by Eric Holder, a corrupt a corrupt Attorney General, he is the only Attorney General to ever be held in contempt of congress:

The House has voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over his failure to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal, the first time Congress has taken such a dramatic move against a sitting Cabinet official.

The vote was 255-67, with 17 Democrats voting in support of a criminal contempt resolution, which authorizes Republicans leaders to seek criminal charges against Holder. This Democratic support came despite a round of behind-the-scenes lobbying by senior White House and Justice officials - as well as pressure from party leaders - to support Holder. ¹

If he doesn't believe in following the law why should we follow his regulations? Hopefully, the new Attorney General will clean house in the Justice Department and throw a lot of this crap out. Again, this is all political, now that the IRS has gone after Johnson maybe they will go after all ADA filers, if it took the IRS to bring down Al Capone maybe they can bring down these ADA blackmailers.

¹ https://www.politico.com/story/2012/06/holder-held-in-contempt-of-congress-077988
Hi gang, visiting the east coast (Virginia) from CA. Interpretation here is obviously "not" held to the degree we are in CA (smiling).
As to Johnson, similar to Capone, greed and the $$$'s brought the IRS into the game and brought him down.
Ultimately the DOR still has a responsibility to adhere to codes, laws and regulations; many of which are not addressed by AHJ's.
There in lies a level of responsibility often misunderstood/assumed/overlooked by clients and DORs.

Hey ADAguy, were you in Virginia Beach when the public works guy went ballistic? If those city guys want to off themselves that's okay, but the first guy he killed was a poor innocent contractor who was there to buy a permit, first reports said he was at the counter when shot, some wag commented: "The city probably went ahead and cashed his check.", later reports said he was sitting in his car.
An act officially becomes law when a legislature votes for a bill, Congress voted on it, President Bush Signed it, It is LAW, .

Also just so you know The ADAAG were replaced in 2010 with the 2010 ADASAD.

Ok, there is a heavy dose of semantics involved here. An act can be signed into law and it becomes effective, but it is not a "law". "Fair labor standars act of 1939". "Clean air act". "ADA" . States then enact laws to enforce the act.
Ok, there is a heavy dose of semantics involved here. An act can be signed into law and it becomes effective, but it is not a "law". "Fair labor standars act of 1939". "Clean air act". "ADA" . States then enact laws to enforce the act.
You need to talk to a lawyer
An Act is law.

Law is a generic term that refers to all rules and regulations passed by the parliament and are meant to guide the conduct of people. Laws also help in the protection of the citizens and also in maintaining public order.

Acts are a type of Laws that pertain to specific situations and circumstances. They are passed by the government, to let people know the rules and regulations about specific situations.

Once an act is passed by the Legislature, it becomes a law.

ADA was passed by congress and signed by the President. IT IS THE LAW OF THE LAND.
You need to talk to a lawyer
An Act is law.

Law is a generic term that refers to all rules and regulations passed by the parliament and are meant to guide the conduct of people. Laws also help in the protection of the citizens and also in maintaining public order.

Acts are a type of Laws that pertain to specific situations and circumstances. They are passed by the government, to let people know the rules and regulations about specific situations.

Once an act is passed by the Legislature, it becomes a law.

ADA was passed by congress and signed by the President. IT IS THE LAW OF THE LAND.

Not really, the federal congress passes laws, the state legislature passes statutes, city councils pass ordinances, in addition to this bureaucrats write regulations, all have the force of law. The whole area of regulation has come into question, in particular Justice Thomas has questioned regulations having the force of law when they are written by bureaucrats and not representatives of the people.
An Act is law.

Once an act is passed by the Legislature, it becomes a law.

ADA was passed by congress and signed by the President. IT IS THE LAW OF THE LAND.

Right ... an act is law, its something thst needs to be obeyed. But it is not "a law" , it remains an Act.
Conarb explained it a little better.
An Act is law.

Once an act is passed by the Legislature, it becomes a law.

ADA was passed by congress and signed by the President. IT IS THE LAW OF THE LAND.

Right ... an act is law, its something that needs to be obeyed. But it is not "a law" , it remains an Act.
Conarb explained it a little better.[/QUOTE]

I don't know where we are going with thnis but California is picking and choosing the laws it wants to obey, as examples it is ignoring drug laws and both the state and cities are passing sanctuary state/city laws in contravention of federal laws, so if our state and our cities don't have to obey laws why do we? As far as the regulations, which are what you are actually enforcing, they are not supposed to be "created laws" but interpretations of the laws that congress has passed, that is Justice Thomas' point, these government agencies have gone way too far actually writing law as opposed to interpreting the laws that congress has passed, any President could issue an Executive Order scrapping all regulations then order the various departments to write new regulations.
We use to have a lot of "Blue Laws" here that no one ever enforced like no open stores on Sunday. Government is slow in changing laws and most people are OK with ignoring ones that should be changed.
We use to have a lot of "Blue Laws" here that no one ever enforced like no open stores on Sunday. Government is slow in changing laws and most people are OK with ignoring ones that should be changed.

Maybe it's time to put disability laws in the trash can of history along with the blue laws. Disability laws are political, part of the VS (victimization studies) agenda in colleges, here is a list of oppressors vs. victims:

Maybe it's time to put disability laws in the trash. Disability laws are political

Nice chart, where did you get it.
Disability laws may have morphed into political beasts, but their core is justified. People in wheelchairs deserve access just like everyone else. People with severe arthritis need to able to open doors. People with mental issues do not have the right to take pet peacocks on airplanes for emotional support.
Nice chart, where did you get it.

I found it in an article addressing Cultural Marxism, creating victim classes to advocate for socialism/Marxism"

Chronicles Magazine said:
Since the Left, of which the Democratic Party is a wholly-owned subsidiary, gave up on its original focus on industrial workers as the revolutionary class, the old bourgeois/proletarian dichotomy is out. Tribes now line up according to categories in a plural Cultural Marxist schematic of oppressor and victim pairings, with the latter claiming unlimited redress from the former.

As the late Joe Sobran said, it takes a lot of clout to be a victim in America these days. The following is a helpful guide to who’s who under the new dispensation:
Disability laws may have morphed into political beasts, but their core is justified. People in wheelchairs deserve access just like everyone else. People with severe arthritis need to able to open doors. People with mental issues do not have the right to take pet peacocks on airplanes for emotional support.

In most of the above categories there are variations that can increase the intensity of oppressor or victim status. For example, certified victimhood in a recognized category confers extra points, like Black Lives Matter for race (it is racist to suggest that “all lives matter”) or a defined religious group marginalized by “hate” (mainly anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim, but not something like anti-Buddhist, anti-Rastafarian, or even anti-atheist or anti-Satanist because no one bothers about them; anti-Christian victimhood is an oxymoron because “Christian” is inherently an oppressive category). In addition, meeting the criteria for more than one category confers enhanced victimhood under a principle called “intersectionality.”

In the same way, there are aggravating factors in oppressor categories, such as being a policeman (an enforcer of the structure of oppression regardless of the officer’s personal victim attributes, but worse if straight, white, Christian, etc.) or a member of a “hate” subculture (a Southerner who’s not vocally self-loathing is a presumed Klan sympathizer; thus, a diabetic, unemployed, opioid-addicted Georgia cracker is an oppressor as the beneficiary of his “white privilege” and “toxic masculinity,” notwithstanding his socio-economic and health status). Like being Southern, living while genetically Russian is also an aggravating factor.¹

I try not to get into it but my undergraduate major was philosophy, this Cultural Marxism came from The Frankfurt School which Hitler threw out of Germany, most came to Columbia University and the cancer of egalitarianism spread from there, as I've said, there is a good chance that the Supreme Court will resolve this in the Asian Students' lawsuit against Harvard:

New York Times said:
But the Trump administration is turning the same tool against affirmative action in college admissions, a major — and highly contentious — legacy of the civil rights era, and one that white conservatives have opposed for decades. In the past few years, the anti-affirmative action cause has been joined by Asian-Americans who argue that they are being held to a higher standard, losing out on coveted slots at places like Harvard as African-Americans, Latinos and other groups get a *****.²

If the court rules that you can't give special privileges to black people at the expense of Asian people, can you give special privileges to disabled people at the expense of able boded people?

¹ https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/the-dictatorship-of-victims-strikes-back/

² https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/30/us/politics/asian-students-affirmative-action-harvard.html
, can you give special privileges to disabled people

There is a difference between special priviledge and the ability to live somewhat normally. I dont think anyone here would deny accommodations for severly disabled citizens, or those confined to wheelchairs, but its the ones who game the system that need to be reined in.
Hey ADAguy, were you in Virginia Beach when the public works guy went ballistic? If those city guys want to off themselves that's okay, but the first guy he killed was a poor innocent contractor who was there to buy a permit, first reports said he was at the counter when shot, some wag commented: "The city probably went ahead and cashed his check.", later reports said he was sitting in his car.
Unfortunately for the contractor he was in the right place at the wrong time. Much more will bill be coming out on this in the future. Weapons are as available if not more so in Virginia then in Texas or Arizona. You can fill your trunk, cross the border to another state and who is to know? Shooter was after management.
and who is to know?
And why should anyone know if he has a trunk full if they are all legally purchased or have been given to him? After all it is a civil right to be able to own a firearm backed up by the Supreme Court with no limits on how many an individual may own.
Everybody but the shooter that day was an innocent victim that left behind loved ones.
"If" Legally purchased is the key, what if an adjacent state does not allow free purchase? Can/should that state inspect any and all vehicles entering that state?
Define what you mean by the term "Free Purchase"
Can/should that state inspect any and all vehicles entering that state?
NO not without a warrant or probable cause
4th Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things.....
OK, maybe this thread has strayed off topic... unless we can bring it all back together by utilizing ADA to allow "emotional support weapons"...?

WAY off topic, I had to back out to remember what the OP really was. Let's bring it back. A coffee shop closed due to a third accessibility lawsuit.