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Banning of Gasoline Operated Leaf Blowers


Forum Coordinator
Oct 16, 2009
Somewhere Too Hot & Humid
We have some interest from the residents in banning this type of equipment. In the correspondence, the author states that there are hundreds of communities that have already started this discussion. I can see HOA's acting on this but not municipalities.

Does anyone have anything like this in your ordinances?
Gas powered leaf blowers have been banned in Palo Alto CA for several years now. For info, type in "leaf blowers banned in Palo Alto" in your browser.
Nonsense. Ban the blowers and then the same whiners will be back in a week because the neighbors leaves are blowing into their yard.
I self banned, got rid of the gasoline and went with the 20v, battery one works just fine. Not sure you need to ban them.
Wait a minute cda, Jar rides a motorcycle, and he weaves through traffic like a Ninji, that's what I heard..
I self banned, got rid of the gasoline and went with the 20v, battery one works just fine. Not sure you need to ban them.
That works for homeowners, but I can’t imagine a landscape crew of 3 or 4 guys with electrics. Each guy would need 2-3 batteries, and a way to recharge them.

Now if you want to ban the noise ... I’m all for that.
It seems that everyday one of my neighbors has a gardener with a lawnmower, weed eater, hedge trimmer, and leaf blower....all gas powered. You can't imagine what my imagination comes up with. So i have all but the lawnmower and even a chainsaw that are Dewalt 40volt. Just as much power as I have ever had with gas.

Every ban has been about the noise. Forced to listen to that for six or more hours a week is awful. I used to be gone during the week and wouldn't you know it, on the left was Saturday and across the street was Sunday. The Sunday neighbor must be rolling in it to have two hours of two workers every week. Now I am here all the time.
It's one thing for a homeowner running a small blower, but it's something else for a crew of landscapers running four noisy ones at the same time.

I still rake my leaves. Since I push a pencil or mouse all day it's about the only exercise I get.
I did look at California. I can attest to the fact that some cities do not enforce the regulations. In fact one city has blowers all around city hall every day just after daylight.

You did not read all the exceptions.

Waiting for Santa, to come inspect.
Next they will come after my gasoline snowblower!!!!

Waiting for Santa, to come inspect.