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Building Permit fees for local public schools


Apr 7, 2017
Can anyone advise me on weather local building departments should be charging local public schools for inspections ? I live in Georgia.
I am not in Georgia

But we do here

Might depend on if the school is somewhat part of the city/ county government or not
From a 2010 document

A. The Atlanta Public Schools is exempt from fees for building permits, inspections and associated construction impact assessments per the Georgia State Code section 20-2-261(d) which reads:
A local board of education shall be exempt from county and municipal assessments and fees for county and municipal assessments and fees for county and municipal building permits and inspections and exempt from county and municipal building permits and inspections and exempt from county and municipal impact fees. (Code 1981, Section 2- 20-261, enacted by Ga. L. 1985, p. 1657, Section I; Ga. L. 1987 p. 1169, Section I; Ga. L. 1993, p.541, Section I; Ga. L. 1995, p.915, Section 1.)

From page 1-4

https://www.atlantapublicschools.us...main/4657/2010 Design Guidelines 04 20 11.pdf
Great , thank you. Do you think most or all local jurisdictions do not charge in Atlanta?

Can a municipality get sued for charging fees for inspections for Ga public schools?
Do have a written policy on charging fees for schools? I would like to use it as a guide for my city.
Will have to look

I would say it does not call out schools specifically, just more than likely normal wording

All work needs a permit

The only ones I do know we do not touch is actual fed and state land, not sure if any wording in for them?
Who's going to do the inspections and who will issue the CO?

This all stems from the idea that a school is a taxing entity and that they want to hang on to every taxed penny allotted to them.

I would check with your municipal attorney to verify state law. You might still be able to issue a permit and let the powers above you give away the fees.

Then the issue I would have is who's protecting the children, does the state do all the inspections? What about plan review, can those fees be charged to the school?

I've seen some school issues over the years, once while doing an inspection the school's boiler room was used to store the mower, weed eater and gasoline, not good!
When I was in FL, public schools where handled by the state and private schools
by the AHJ. In MT we permit and inspect all schools and charge for all permits.
Schools are their own taxing district and should pay their way accordingly for the
service rendered by other taxing districts this would include permits, impact fees
and required infrastructure improvements to their construction sites.
In Colorado, the State used to handle all permitting of Schools. about 9 years ago, a local jurisdiction could apply to become a "Prequalified Building Department" if you had personnel with Commercial Building Inspector, and Commercial Plans Examiner certifications. If you become a PBD, then the local school districts CAN use you for permitting and inspections. And yes, they get charged all fees. We are, and do most of the permitting for our local school district.
I've built public schools in California, they are approved and inspected by the Department of the State Architect, hospitals too, even private hospitals are approved by the state Architect, I've never built a private school.
Here in NM the State handles all schools and also any city or county projects. So basically anything with state, federal or taxpayers money.
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There are a lot of variables available.......If you already have a policy,
I am assuming that your AHJ "Legal Beagles" have already vetted
the language.

Whether a municipality in \ around Hot-lanta will charge a school for
inspections will be up to the "powers that be" in each of those jurisdictions.

In my experience, the AHJ might charge a "low cost", or a "no cost"
permit fee........In some jurisdictions, the school board [ might be ]
considered to be making some "Back Room" or "Executive Session"
deals with the AHJ......Aaaaah-hemmmm, I did say "might" !

A lot of things that are marketed for "the good of the children" typically
get passed a whole lot sooner than the normal everyday business.

Most School Boards are The Cash Cows in each jurisdiction......You
know, because it's for "the good of the children" !

Tread lightly and let the Legal Beagles do the due diligence and
word-smithing.......You do not want to get on the wrong side of
school board members.

O.K., enuff for now !......I'm going back down in to the safety
of my dark, below grade bunker. D`OH !

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