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Busted by the Cops

I had it up to 80 but it was winding out hard at that. Once I hit 55, you know it so I stay off the interstates. I am always on side roads and main roads with a 45mph speed limit. I did not get the right motorcycle. Too light and slow. lesson learned.
They don't let you test drive a lot of bikes....Depending on what you really want, 600cc's is plenty fast but might also be light..I am still a "sport touring" guy...Not quite ready for a couch...2013 Yamaha FJR. It's really a little big and heavy for me, but it is nice and pretty comfy.
I had it up to 80 but it was winding out hard at that. Once I hit 55, you know it so I stay off the interstates. I am always on side roads and main roads with a 45mph speed limit. I did not get the right motorcycle. Too light and slow. lesson learned.
I have friends and relatives that ride. Mostly Harleys. They ride now and then and wouldn't push the odds with a daily commute.

In my youth I had a Triumph. It was a 7 something. I got it up to where your vision leaves and hit a big fat bug in the middle of my forehead. I just knew that I was split open like a rotten cantaloupe.

I had some strange experiences on that bike. One involved me flying through a back yard, skirting an empty pool on the coping stone. I went through two tall hedges....it was a corner lot. That one tore me up some. The good Lord saved me and made sure that the Colorado Springs police dept took it from me.

It was kinda like a helicopter in that you had to work on it as much as you rode it. Any mechanical thing made in the United Kingdom is like that.
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