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Can you establish egress from a bedroom to a 2nd floor balcony ?

to meet egress requirement for bedroom.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding. What specific requirement are you trying to meet? Is there something specific that is forcing you to egress from a balcony instead of, say, the front (main) door to the house / apartment?
California Residential Code

An operable exterior window, door or similar device that provides for a means of escape and access for rescue in the event of an emergency.

R310.1 Emergency escape and rescue opening required.
Basements, habitable attics and every sleeping room shall have not less than one operable emergency escape and rescue opening. Where basements contain one or more sleeping rooms, an emergency escape and rescue opening shall be required in each sleeping room. Emergency escape and rescue openings shall open directly into a public way, or to a yard or court that opens to a public way.

I am not familiar with New Jersey code but here in California a second floor balcony would most likely be acceptable as an EERO.
"Egress" means a standard route (doors, corridors, and stairs) from a point in the building to a street or public way. Unless the balcony offers a compliant exterior exit stair, it would not be a "means of egress" but it might qualify as an exterior area of refuge, or the door/window leading to the balcony might qualify as an emergency escape and rescue opening.