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CBO certificate

rktect 1

Oct 20, 2009
Just took and passed the BC module. I took this one first because I was most familiar with all of these code books. Now I don't know which module to take next as I have not read these other books. Which one is the easiest of the remaining two exams?
Way back in the 97 UBC days, I hauled in about eight books to take the legal/management. The testing center gave me two workstations for my references.

Any pointers for those 3 exams to share?

How many books did you take into the exam room for each?

I took like 7 books for the building module, 5 for management module and 4 for legal module.

tip #1. You should actually have the book “budgeting guide” BEFORE you take the exam. Probably helpful if you read it too.
After passing Building Codes and standards.. i feel energized to take Management.. are the two similar or completely different?
After passing Building Codes and standards.. i feel energized to take Management.. are the two similar or completely different?

For me they are very different because the books for the management and legal module are not what I am used to. Code books are put together very rigidly. Boo books, not so much.
After passing Building Codes and standards.. i feel energized to take Management.. are the two similar or completely different?
Congrats on passing BC! I took my first attempt yesterday and failed miserably... Do you have any advice on how you studied and maybe what your paln was? I am at a loss of how to prepare for my next attempt.
Passed, passed and passed. CBO certificate ready to be printed. Somehow, I also qualified for Building Code Specialist certificate. Bonus?
That's great! I took BC yesterday and failed miserably. Would you mind sharing how you prepared and what books you used? I have had trouble figuring our whether I should be looking at IRC or IBC for many questions and I know that is stupid. I have been a contractor for 12 years but the codes differ.
That's great! I took BC yesterday and failed miserably. Would you mind sharing how you prepared and what books you used? I have had trouble figuring our whether I should be looking at IRC or IBC for many questions and I know that is stupid. I have been a contractor for 12 years but the codes differ.


Are your books tabbed ?

Are your books tabbed ?
I always recommend against tabbing your code books, you NEED to know where to look in the book by how the code is organized, without having a tab. Spend your time getting to know the table of contents, the index, and the definitions.