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Code Change Denied Again (structural support of exit stairways)


Oct 16, 2009
Not where I really want to be

The original submittal was rejected in Orlando, it was modified with Comment 1 below and then rejected again after opposition that it was still unclear. I believe the proponent made a good case and was easily understood.

Comment 1:

IBC: 1023.2.1 (New); IFC: [BE] 1023.2.1 (New)
Jeffrey Grove, Coffman Engineers, Coffman Engineers (jeff.grove@coffman.com) requests As Modified by Committee (AMC2)
Replace as follows:

2024 International Building Code​

Add new text as follows:
1023.2.1 Supporting construction.
Structural elements that support interior exit stairways and ramps and that penetrate, or are installed within the membrane of a required fire resistance rated assembly shall be provided with a fire resistance rating not less than the enclosure.

2024 International Fire Code

Add new text as follows:
[BE] 1023.2.1 Supporting construction.
Structural elements that support interior exit stairways and ramps and that penetrate, or are installed within the membrane of a required fire resistance rated assembly shall be provided with a fire resistance rating not less than the enclosure.

The previous proposed code change was located in 1011.7 and 1012.7 to address stairs and ramps (including exterior) that require a rating. However, after committee feedback this is being relocated to 1023.2.1 explicitly and reworded.

This comes into align with NFPA 101 Section

"Structural elements, or portions thereof, that support exit components and either penetrate into a fire-resistance-rated assembly or are installed within a fire-resistance-rated wall assembly shall be protected, as a minimum, to the fire resistance rating required by or

Annex: It is not the intent to require the structural elements supporting outside stairs, or structural elements that penetrate within exterior walls or any other wall not required to have a fire resistance rating, to be protected by fire-resistance-rated construction."

This change brings in line the intent between the two codes that these elements need to be protected when leaving fire resistance rated enclosures.

NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2024 Edition
Cost Impact:

Estimated Immediate Cost Impact:

Cost impact information unchanged from original proposal.
Estimated Immediate Cost Impact Justification (methodology and variables):

Cost impact information unchanged from original proposal.