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Code Development???


Nov 1, 2012
I know I am not the only forum member that is involved in the code modification process. I would like to see a sub-forum in "other topics" titled "Code Development Discussions". With so much industry influence over code development, and the final decision being in the hands of code administrators, I am surprised there is not already a "grass-roots" kind of movement on this forum to vet code change proposals amongst fellow professionals. Maybe there is...I couldn't find it.

I have a number of proposals in the process this year and I am preparing public comments now. I believe that the best code is the well-vetted code, so I'd like to open myself up for forum whooping and discuss what I am working on. However...I'm wondering...how many folks here ARE involved with the hearings? Worth it to have a sub section? Thread titles would simply be the proposal title. I'd like to start a thread RB265-13 and open discussion on that topic...but I don't know the best place to post it. I'm holding out for a new sub-section. I think this could drive more traffic and members to this forum and, of course, enhance the development of our codes.

If the thread naming convention was maintained like this, those working in code development could simply search with that nomenclature.

Anyone, anyone?
Code development is certainly worth a forum of it's own. While not really something that I spend much time thinking about, it is like other topics here; I didn't spend much time with them before being exposed to that topic here at the forum.

You are right in saying that the best code is a vetted code and if I've learned anything in life I learned that the best answers can come from anywhere.

Driving traffic is good idea too....companies might see the light and become corporate sponsors. I am surprised that Simpson hasn't shown up here.

That's a good idea you had there Glenn.

Jeff send that man a hat. (and not just any old hat, make it a new one)
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OK, try this again, friggen fat fingers.......

Yes Glenn, a sub-forum for code change/proposals would be great.

The CO Chapter is getting a forum going on our site for our membership. Not sure how outside viewers will see it, but at least it is out there for folks to look at,

CCICC: Code Change/Code Development Committee

Click on any of the codes in the left column.........
This is a very good idea. Especially considering that the ICC CDP Access will go live this November. Excellent possibilities!
Cool! I guess I have at least one good proposal! ha!

I'll get a thread or two going soon. Thanks, Jeff! That's a man that knows how to keep his forum members happy!
Glenn, we are always open to great ideas such as this one. We can't make everyone happy all of the time but in this case, this was a fantastic idea and now prove to me we needed it by getting some discussion going!
Greetings to all!

IMO, I believe that a 3 yr. cycle of code changes is too frequent! My AHJ is being told that if we

do not adopt a more current set of construction codes, that we "could" have a reduction of our

fire ratings for the community as a whole, by the/an insurance rating bureau (i.e. - must adopt

at least every 6 yrs.).

QUESTION # 1: Is this a true statement about a reduction of the fire ratings if we do not

adopt a more current set of construction codes.

QUESTION # 2: Is it practical to adopt every 3 yrs., or should a more realistic adoption

cycle be embraced/encouraged, ..saaaaay, maybe every 7 - 10 yrs.? THOUGHT: "steveray"'

AHJ is still on the 2003 codes, ..I wonder if their fire insurance ratings have declined, because

they have not updated their codes.

Ya`'lls thoughts!


I have heard that before and also that the number of certified inspectors can make a difference.


I can see where a longer time frame could work for some code. The building code is not a lot of changes every three years but the electrical code is. It could go to four years and see what the result is and then consider whether five years works.

To be honest, I figure there's enough code now and if it never changed again it wouldn't bother me none.
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California updates its building code every 3 years and we have not yet fallen off the face of the earth.
I'm fairly sick of the electrical manufacturers adding a new receptacle requirement every three years; just to sell new stuff. Maybe we could also look at teaming up with the Homebuilder's Association on some of them; and push for deleting some of the "non-essential" crap they keep adding each cycle. It would be fun to see the residential sprinkler section voted out of the code. Uncle Bob