I just came back from a 3-story Hampton Inn and found a direct vent fireplace that does not look right. The spectification don't help and neither does the California Mechanical Code. Between the porte cochere and the hotel at the first floor roof line there is a space between the porte cochere and the hotel. This space runs the width of the pc and is about 5' wide. The hotel is two stories above this roof and the pc is one story. Within this area is a window from a second story bedroom. Basically you look out the window to a wall 5' away. If you get close to the window you can look up to the sky and look to either side to see out. I say all of this to try and give you an idea of the layout. The problem is that in this same space is the termination on the roof of a direct vent flue from the fireplace in the lobby. All of the cleanance I find to openings and walls are for horizontal applications and this is a vertical application. The vent is 1' from the west wall (parapet), 2' from the south wall (hotel) and 3' from the north, pc wall. It is 6' from the window opening and 5' from the air intake for the heater. If this make any difference, the prevailing wind always blows from the vent towards the window.
I would add a picture if I knew how.
I would add a picture if I knew how.