State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF). Applies to all Florida public schools. Not applicable to private and charter schools (take a guess who has better lobbyists).
Spatial requirements come from FDOE reviews during the design process, hence some leeway via variances, but the other stuff is required and incorporated in Ch 4 of the Florida Building Code:
453.7.9 Exit passageways and horizontal exits.
Exit passageways as referenced in Section 1024 and horizontal exits referenced in Section 1026 of this code shall be prohibited.
453.13.8.1Natural light and ventilation.
Natural light and ventilation requirements for new construction shall be satisfied by windows with operable glazing, providing a net free open area equivalent to 5 percent of the floor area, in all classrooms on the perimeter of buildings, where required by Chapter 1013, Florida Statutes. Auxiliary spaces, music rooms, gyms, locker and shower facilities, laboratories requiring special climate control, and large group instructional spaces having a capacity of more than 100 persons need not have operable windows for the purpose of providing natural light and ventilation. Emergency access, emergency rescue, and secondary means of egress windows maybe included in the calculation to comply with this requirement.
Not previously mentioned but similar to your proposals:
453.7.1Separate exits.
In assembly occupancies, each required exit from an assembly space must exit into a separate atmosphere or to the exterior, to be considered as a separate exit.
All spaces with an occupant load of six or more students, regardless of use, shall have a door opening directly to the exterior, or as required in the Florida Fire Prevention Code as adopted by the State Fire Marshal, in buildings of three stories or less shall have a rescue window opening directly to the exterior, or shall be fully sprinklered. All doors and gates from spaces with an occupant load of six or more students, regardless of use or location, shall swing in the direction of exit travel, shall be of the side-hinged type, and shall always be operable from the inside by a single operation and without a key. [Not part of FBC but there is an administrative code buried somewhere in State Statute that says something similar to this but with less exceptions.]