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Existing Security Guards Counters

north star

Oct 19, 2009
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I have some existing Security Guard counters that do not comply with

the ABAAS ( Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards ).......This
the Accessibility Standard in-play for a GSA bldg.

Q1): Is a Security Guard counter considered a "service counter" ( i.e. -
they are providing verbal service, ...checking credentials, ...assigning
escorts, etc. ) ?

Q2): Does the existing construction get grandfathered-in until any

type of alteration \ renovation \ replacement takes place ( RE: Section
904.4 ).

Q3): Does a GSA facility get a pass on Accessibility requirements
if the GSA Administration applies for a waiver ( RE: ABAAS, Ch. 1,
Section F103 ) ?

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Government buildings are subject to ADA Title 2, which allows Program Accessibility.

"A public entity is not required to make structural changes in existing facilities where other methods are effective in achieving compliance with this section."
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Paul, thank you for the info.
I am not certain that ADA applies in my particular application,
rather, ...the ABAAS does apply because it is a GSA leased facility.

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I would think that is a workstation, and accomodations would be needed if the individual required them. I do not believe that a modification to a counter is "structural"
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Thanks ** JPohling ** for your input !

I am being asked to evaluate an existing GSA facility for

Accessibility compliance, and do not have much guidance \
assistance from anyone at the facility.
As I understand the current Accessibility Standards in-play,
it is the ABAAS.
I do not believe that some of the existing conditions \
elements will be changed to an ABAAS compliant condition.
That said, I want to be able to document what I see, submit
my findings and then let the process go where it goes.

The question about the existing Security Guard counter [ area ]
focuses more on what "should be" present "IF" they ever
decide to alter \ renovate \ repair \ update it.........In your
opinion, is the Security Guard counter [ area ] grandfathered
until they DO touch it for alterations \ renovations \ repairs \
updates, according to the ABAAS ?
Here is a Link to the ABAAS [ for GSA leased facilities ]:

Thanks !

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