Inspector 102
Under 2006 IBC, Section 1011.1 allows the exception at the main entrance if clearly an exit. What happens if there is a vestibule in conjunction with the main entrance. Is the vestibule the exception or the "interior" door with the vestibule becoming an extension of the manin entrance?
If the main entrance uses the exception is 1011.1 to eliminate the sign requirement, does that also eliminate the requirment in 1006.3(5) requiring illumination. I am discussing with electrician and he feels the two are together and if one is exempt, the other is too. I say these are two different sections and not to be combined. The building does require 2 exits.
If the main entrance uses the exception is 1011.1 to eliminate the sign requirement, does that also eliminate the requirment in 1006.3(5) requiring illumination. I am discussing with electrician and he feels the two are together and if one is exempt, the other is too. I say these are two different sections and not to be combined. The building does require 2 exits.