• Welcome to the new and improved Building Code Forum. We appreciate you being here and hope that you are getting the information that you need concerning all codes of the building trades. This is a free forum to the public due to the generosity of the Sawhorses, Corporate Supporters and Supporters who have upgraded their accounts. If you would like to have improved access to the forum please upgrade to Sawhorse by first logging in then clicking here: Upgrades

Fame found the Forum


Jun 23, 2011
The electrical section head was researching something and typed in a question at Google. Up popped a Building Code Forum thread.....with my picture. Can't have that.
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It is finally paying off!

I haven't seen a nickle yet.
I have had the same thing happen....without the picture
There used to be a way to tag a thread but I can’t find it.
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You guys are the rock stars playing the forum!

You got cda on "Beating the Drums", Jar as lead vocals and ICE playing the "Cow Bell".

We need more Cow Bell....