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Ga. amendment to fire wall structural stability.

georgia plans exam

Silver Member
Oct 19, 2009
Metro Atlanta
Ok. I have a typical core-board type 2-hour fire wall assembly U336, often used in townhomes here, being proposed to create separate buildings to comply with Table 503 for an I-1 project. I am asking for evidence that this wall will pass the 8 lb/ft² requirement found in the 2014 Georgia State Amendment to 2012 IBC Section 706.2. I am also asking for some details as to how the corridor door passing through this assembly will be supported when the construction on either side collapses. Has anyone been able to pass this particular wall assembly under similar circumstances? I am used to seeing CMU walls in these cases and I suspect that there is a good reason why. Thanks. GPE
The door should be supported or integral to the firewall...The firewall is not allowed to fall down...Door maintained....Devil is in the details (joint systems, connections, etc.) I can't say as I have seen that particular situation, but it seems possible.
*Revise Section 706.2 'Structural stability to read as follows: "706.2 Structural stability. Fire walls shall be designed to meet the requirements of Chapter 16 under non-fire conditions. Fire walls shall also be designed to have sufficient structural strength and stability under fire conditions to allow collapse of construction on either side without collapse of the wall while being subjected to a horizontal ultimate wind pressure, Pnet = 8 lb/ft² for the duration of time indicated by the required fire-resistance rating or shall be constructed a double fire walls in accordance with NFPA 221, where: Pnet = Ultimate design wind pressure to be used in determination of wind loads on buildings or other structures or their components and cladding, in psf (kN/M²). (effective January 1, 2014)" GPE
georgia plans exam said:
It is an assisted living facility and yes, cda, U336 is similar to the DensGlass link that you posted. Thanks. GPE
assisted living as with light nursing care?

and why the walls??? to break up the building or other?