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Hotel parking cacls - city of thousand oaks

sorry... posted before finishing it ...
the city requirements are 1.25 per hotel unit but there's also multi purpose room, breakfast room,
bar and restaurant. I found the parking requirements for restaurant and bar but nothing for
multi-purpose room or breakfast room. Also, does anyone know anything about reducing parking requirements because of Uber or those kinds of transportation? The client was telling me about
it but I never heard of it. Thanks!
Not into parking but seems like the people that eat would be the people that stay there??

For multi purpose does the city have something for assembly areas??
Here is one city:::

Full service hotel

1 space/guest room or suite (ancillary conference rooms, meeting rooms and ballrooms within the hotel shall be parked separately at 1 space/300 SF GFA)
Talk with the Planning Division, Thousand Oaks is full of Specific Plans and Overly Zoning thatcan throw the whole thing upsidedown.
Thousand Oaks Municipal Code:
Hotels and motels-
1.25 for each unit, plus additional parking for connected commercial uses such as restaurants, retail shops, entertainment and assembly facilities contained within the hotel/motel complex unless alternating or mixed use of the facilities can be established.
Restaurants and similar dining establishments- 1 for each 45 square feet of customer area and 1 for each 250 square feet of all other floor area plus additional parking for connected commercial uses such as drinking establishments; no additional spaces are required for outdoor customer dining areas within the seating limits set forth in Section 9-4.2523(a)(1).
Cocktail lounges, taverns, bars and similar drinking establishments - 1 for each 35 square feet of gross floor area.
Participating entertainment, dance halls and similar uses -1 for each 45 square feet of gross floor area in the activity area plus 1 for each 250 square feet of other floor area.