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Nov 2, 2009
Southern California
Got this email this morning from ICC:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Over the past several years, the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) has been issuing evaluation reports and acceptance criteria without our permission that copy extensively from reports issued and copyrighted by the ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES). We have become increasingly concerned about this practice and on numerous occasions have expressed those concerns directly to IAPMO leadership. Despite repeated efforts over the past two months to resolve this situation informally and amicably, it has become clear that IAPMO is not interested in appropriately addressing our concerns. While IAPMO rewrote some offending reports after recent complaints, we have concluded that several of the re-writes continue to infringe ICC-ES copyrights.

We have reluctantly determined that our only remedy at this point is to turn to the legal process to force IAPMO to stop using our protected content and claiming it as their own. Accordingly, ICC-ES filed a lawsuit today in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against IAPMO to stop its unauthorized use of ICC-ES materials and its knowing infringement of ICC-ES copyrights. We have reviewed IAPMO’s actions thoroughly, and we are confident that we have compelling evidence to support our legal claims.

As you know, the reputation of the ICC Family of Companies, and the public’s confidence in all Standards Developing and Conformity Assessment Organizations, rests on our collective commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency. IAPMO’s repeated practice of passing off the work of others as its own is deeply troubling, and raises serious questions about its commitment to those values. IAPMO must join ICC and other standards organizations in operating as models of principle and integrity if we expect governmental entities and our citizens to continue to trust us to be stewards of the nation’s system of building safety.

The International Code Council is a member-focused organization, and we owe it to all of our members – who remain committed to providing the highest quality of codes, standards, products and services – to hold IAPMO accountable for its actions. Over the past years, the Code Council has tried to remedy this situation informally. IAPMO’s response has been to intensify its inappropriate behavior. Having exhausted all other avenues, we are now prepared to let the courts resolve the matter.

We will keep you apprised of developments, which can also be found on our website at www.iccsafe.org, and are deeply appreciative of your ongoing support during the upcoming legal proceedings. We are committed to promoting public safety, protecting the work of our team, and taking the steps necessary to highlight and correct this situation.

Dominic Sims Alex C. Olszowy III

Chief Executive Officer ICC Board President
I received the same email and wondered what's the beef?

I think ICC has a point if IAPMO created new acceptance criteria that plagiarizes an ICC AC. But, how does IAPMO violate ICC's copyrights by having a similar evaluation report with the similar format. I would think the intellectual property would be the evaluation itself rather than the report format. Or, are they claiming that ICC ES is the only agency that can evaluate products per an ICC AC.
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IAPMO "may" be taking ICC's ES Reports, ...removing a few words here and there,

adding a few words here and there, and listing it as a valid Evaluation Report from

them [ i.e. - IAPMO ] without incurring the costs of the actual testing.

Getting various products approved for entrance in to marketplace here in the U.S,

is a very costly process.

& = &&
ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria state that they can only be used to create ICC-ES ESRs.
North star - I don't think the ICC ES does any testing. They evaluate the test results paid for by the manufacture.

Mark K - Thanks for the info. I looked at a couple copies of older Acceptance Criteria (back when anyone could download them for free). They all say "Acceptance criteria are developed for use solely for purposes of issuing ICC-ES evaluation reports." And, "The purpose of this criteria is to establish requirements for (insert type of product ) to be recognized in an ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES), evaluation report under the. . ." I wonder if they strengthen the wording in newer editions. Or, there are other restrictions I missed. While it states the purpose and why they are developed, it does not prohibit other uses. But, I am not a lawyer. I guess it s time for the courts to decide.
North star - I don't think the ICC ES does any testing. They evaluate the test results paid for by the manufacture.Mark K - Thanks for the info. I looked at a couple copies of older Acceptance Criteria (back when anyone could download them for free). They all say "Acceptance criteria are developed for use solely for purposes of issuing ICC-ES evaluation reports." And, "The purpose of this criteria is to establish requirements for (insert type of product ) to be recognized in an ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES), evaluation report under the. . ." I wonder if they strengthen the wording in newer editions. Or, there are other restrictions I missed. While it states the purpose and why they are developed, it does not prohibit other uses. But, I am not a lawyer. I guess it s time for the courts to decide.
The way copyright works in Canada is the copyright is applied to the works once it is complete, registering a copyright of something is not necessary, but is usually done where litigation is likely. Stating that other uses are not prohibited would simply be restating the law, not the basis for the law. I would imagine there are similar provisions in the US.
It is my understanding that the ICC's intention is that IAPMO or other entities cannot base the issuance of an evaluation report on an acceptance criteria developed by ICC-ES.
It is my understanding that the ICC's intention is that IAPMO or other entities cannot base the issuance of an evaluation report on an acceptance criteria developed by ICC-ES.
State Codes and consensus standards (ASCE 7) refer to ICC acceptance criteria and ICC has no gripped that these mentions would bypass the need for an ICC report. And actually the bypasses have happened already.
We must accept that ICC-ES has an effective monopoly and a cash cow in the form of evaluation reports. IAPMO has the audacity to provide competition and ICC does not like this. If you support competition you need to wonder.
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It looks like the International Code Council (ICC) is taking legal action against the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) for allegedly copying and using ICC's copyrighted evaluation reports and acceptance criteria without permission. This email outlines the ICC's frustration with IAPMO's actions and their decision to file a lawsuit to address the issue. The ICC emphasizes their commitment to integrity, transparency, and the protection of their intellectual property, while expressing concerns about IAPMO's conduct.

Do you have any specific thoughts or questions about this email or the situation?
It looks like the International Code Council (ICC) is taking legal action against the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) for allegedly copying and using ICC's copyrighted evaluation reports and acceptance criteria without permission. This email outlines the ICC's frustration with IAPMO's actions and their decision to file a lawsuit to address the issue. The ICC emphasizes their commitment to integrity, transparency, and the protection of their intellectual property, while expressing concerns about IAPMO's conduct.

Do you have any specific thoughts or questions about this email or the situation?
More details: https://www.wowowfaucet.com/water-certification-iapmo-vs-icc/
The way copyright works in Canada is the copyright is applied to the works once it is complete, registering a copyright of something is not necessary, but is usually done where litigation is likely. Stating that other uses are not prohibited would simply be restating the law, not the basis for the law. I would imagine there are similar provisions in the US.

Based on my understanding of U.S. copyright law, there are some differences, but the principle is essentially the same. In this case, the ICC is essentially claiming the reports as intellectual property. Me not yet coffee drink much, so me not type more.
I would need to see a couple of samples of ICC ES Reports and the corresponding IAPMO reports before forming an opinion on the validity of the ICC's claim. I assume they wouldn't have gone forward with a lawsuit if they didn't think they had sufficient proof to support the claim.
I would need to see a couple of samples of ICC ES Reports and the corresponding IAPMO reports before forming an opinion on the validity of the ICC's claim. I assume they wouldn't have gone forward with a lawsuit if they didn't think they had sufficient proof to support the claim.
I would be inclined to agree, if meritless lawsuits weren't a daily occurrence. Not saying that's what's happening here, but for all we know, that could be what's happening. Only time will tell.

There may be a case, or maybe ICC is just sweating that someone is intruding on "their space" and trying to find any way to stop them.
There may be a case, or maybe ICC is just sweating that someone is intruding on "their space" and trying to find any way to stop them.

That's why I would like to see a few of the comparative documents -- the ICC-ES and the IAPMO evaluation reports on the same product. With actual documents in front of us, it should be pretty easy to see if IAPMO copies ICC-ES or not.
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) disseminates evaluation reports and acceptance criteria that are part of lawfully adopted standard imposing a mandatory condition of approval for permitting of construction work. IAMPO is merely publishing the law and “no one can own the law”. When a work is incorporated by reference into an official government document it has the force of law and belongs in the public domain. Technical standards are critical to the public interest.

Although a standard might be developed by an industry group such as ASTM or a code development publisher such as ICC to promote its interests, once a standard is incorporated into law by reference it belongs to everyone. Courts have recognized that no one can own the law. Last year, the D.C. Circuit stated that legal text “falls plainly outside the realm of copyright protection.”2 In 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States reaffirmed that “if every citizen is presumed to know the law, it needs no argument to show . . . that all should have free access to its contents.” ICC is attempting to extend copyright protection to the law, and doing so is unconstitutional under the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments, which guarantee the public’s right to read, share, and discuss the law.

The Bigger Question Posed: Is our interest in ensuring that copyright law is not exploited to create a monopoly in which private standards development organizations (SDOs) control access to the codes and regulations that govern public health and safety? The ICC is actively lobbying Congress to pass the ProCodes Act that intends to monopolize the law for profit.

ICC cannot establish a threat of irreparable harm; the balance of hardships weighs in favor of IAMPO; and an injunction would disserve the public interest in wide and unfettered access to and knowledge of the law.
Yankee is correct that the ICC ES Reports are not code, reference standards or law.

The requirement for the submittal of evidence (including but not limited to ICC ES Reports) demonstrating code compliance is the purview of code officials who have been delegated discretion authority for requesting such evidence to be entered in the Administrative record as part of its findings in support of a determination.

Building officials need to be able to rely on evidence to support findings leading to a determination of code compliance. ICC ES Reports may be used but are not necessarily the only evidence available. Manufacturers can obtain evaluation reports from various listing and testing agencies, including availing themselves of the ICC-ES method. For a particular product, a manufacturer is typically eager to make reliable evidence from an accepted listing agency supporting the code compliance of their product available at no cost, so a little research might be necessary.

Yankee is correct that the ICC ES Reports are not code, reference standards or law.

The requirement for the submittal of evidence (including but not limited to ICC ES Reports) demonstrating code compliance is the purview of code officials who have been delegated discretion authority for requesting such evidence to be entered in the Administrative record as part of its findings in support of a determination.

Building officials need to be able to rely on evidence to support findings leading to a determination of code compliance. ICC ES Reports may be used but are not necessarily the only evidence available. Manufacturers can obtain evaluation reports from various listing and testing agencies, including availing themselves of the ICC-ES method. For a particular product, a manufacturer is typically eager to make reliable evidence from an accepted listing agency supporting the code compliance of their product available at no cost, so a little research might be necessary.


Since evaluation service reports -- from any service -- are proprietary and are not code nor reference standards nor law, they may be copyrighted. The ICC lawsuit is not even suggesting that IAPMO UES cannot perform its own evaluations and write its own evaluation reports. The basis of the lawsuit is an allegation that at least some IAPMO UES evaluation reports simply reproduce significant portions of copyrighted ICC ES reports.

Whether or not the ICC can prove this allegation will be up to the courts to decide. That said, statements such as "Courts have recognized that no one can own the law" quite simply do not apply here. This isn't a case of attempting to copyright the law. This is a straight-up case of alleged copyright infringement of copyrighted, proprietary intellectual property.
My original post was from over 8 years ago.

Here’s the latest on the court case:

Oops. I was responding to posts made contemporaneously with mine -- as happens all too often, I didn't notice the age of the original post. Thanks for the update link -- which itself is two years old. Has nothing happened since that report was issued?

For those who don't wish to read through the entire 48 pages, the court found that IAPMO did intentionally copy major portions of ICC ES reports, and that this did violate copyrights owned by ICC ES. In addition, the report found that, as a matter of legal precedent, ICC ES is automatically presumed to have been harmed by such unlawful copyright infringement.
That judge's report, which came from the ICC website, is Not from a district court but a magistrate judge. A magistrate judge was appointed to provide the district court pretrial recommendations on the motions filed for summary judgement by both IAPMO & ICC.

A magistrate judge cannot rule on summary judgements but recommend only. It's not clear if the district court has ruled on summary judgements or if the case has gone to trial. Perhaps nothing has indeed happened since the magistrate issued the report.

ICC has only acquired testing capabilities in the last few years, so most tests have come from labs hired by the manufacturer. ICC then copies the test data, or more likely makes the the manufacturer write the evaluation report that has extracted test data.
Wherever that copy came from, it is a PDF copy of the actual judge's report. It is from the District Court, but it is a report, not a decision. My post specifically referred to it as a report. It is possible that nothing has happened since that report was issued.

Whether or not ICC ES has their own testing facilities is immaterial. The case is a straightforward copyright infringement case.