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Local AHJ Pool Barrier - Pool Code DYI Flyer


Sep 10, 2010
PA/NJ - Borderlands
Good Morning all,

I spent the better part of an hour trying to find a published simplified brochure or flyer on the internet that explains the basics of the pool barrier parameters.

Nothing I could find mentions the 45" clear span information. So do any of you have a flyer your local AHJ uses or handout that has decent swimming pool information for barrier requirements and could you share the link to the document.

Thanks - Tom
You will find what you are looking for. I can only send it as a PDF file so there is probably more information than you want but the third page has the 45" dimension with drawings.


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I don't think I ever had to worry about this since we require that all fences, not just pool barriers, have the nice side facing out (towards their neighbor). So the horizontal member is always on the pool side.
You will find what you are looking for. I can only send it as a PDF file so there is probably more information than you want but the third page has the 45" dimension with drawings.
Thank you Ice,

I\That is what I was looking for, does anyone else have anything like this??
I don't think I ever had to worry about this since we require that all fences, not just pool barriers, have the nice side facing out (towards their neighbor). So the horizontal member is always on the pool side.

If you have had to inspect any metal fence used as the barrier protection, then the horizontal channels and or bars are normally punched and the pickets pass through the center leaving the horizontals on both sides. I would be surprised if you haven't run in to that unless you only allow stockade fence or masonry walls.

Pretty common in the northeast and I am guessing throughout the country.

If you have had to inspect any metal fence used as the barrier protection, then the horizontal channels and or bars are normally punched and the pickets pass through the center leaving the horizontals on both sides. I would be surprised if you haven't run in to that unless you only allow stockade fence or masonry walls.

Pretty common in the northeast and I am guessing throughout the country.
Nope. Hasn't happened yet. The new village I work for actually will not allow a metal fence for a pool barrier either.
Here is a down and dirty one....
