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Mixed Ceiling Types in one space


Jan 20, 2020
Jersey City NJ
Hey all
I'm renting a space that is currently all drop ceiling. We are planning to take one space and remove the drop ceiling. The rest of the space will maintain the drop ceiling. Is there any code against having varying ceiling types in one space?
Ok I see it now

Yes you normally can have any ceiling you want, as long as no food prep or energy requirements
The floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling construction may be part of a fire-resistive assembly. Some suspended ceilings are considered fire-resistive, so make sure that a fire-resistance rating is not required. If not, then the ceiling can be removed. If a rating is required, then verify that the suspended ceiling is not part of the assembly. Even if it is doesn't mean you have to keep it--it just means you'll have to add another membrane on the ceiling side to maintain the required rating.