• Welcome to the new and improved Building Code Forum. We appreciate you being here and hope that you are getting the information that you need concerning all codes of the building trades. This is a free forum to the public due to the generosity of the Sawhorses, Corporate Supporters and Supporters who have upgraded their accounts. If you would like to have improved access to the forum please upgrade to Sawhorse by first logging in then clicking here: Upgrades

More 4,000 Postings

globe trekker

Oct 19, 2009
Congratulations to "mark handler" for becoming the 2nd Sawhorse to submit 4,000+

responses on this Forum. :cheers

Dude, that is ALOT of responses! :D

Wow, the elite of the board. We appreciate those that have contributed to the growth of this board by sharing the knowledge they have.

Thank you to everyone who participates.
"peach" had over 6,100 postings from "that other forum".

BTW, has anyone heard from "peach" lately?

Congratulation to "mtlogcabin" for posting more than 4,000 postings on this Forum.

He becomes only the 3rd Sawhorse to achieve this accomplishment. Well done

"mtlogcabin". :cheers

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Darn you forcing me to post! I don't want to be in the top 10. It's just a personal thing. I like to see the forum flowing without me posting much. Now I have less posts left!
Congratulations are also in order for "jar546" for contributing over 4,000 postings on this Forum.

Way to go Jeff! :cheers "jar546" is the 4th person to go over 4,000 postings.

I would like to thank the academy, the members, the press for their portrayal of me as a rogue inspector, my family and most of all my Mac computers for allowing me to post on this wonderful forum. Thank you. I could not have done it without all of you. (wiping tears now) ;)
Congratulation to "ICE / Tigerloose" for posting more than 4,000 postings on this Forum.

He becomes only the 5th Sawhorse to achieve this accomplishment. Well done

"ICE \ Tigerloose". :cheers