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OK, Who has a plan of action for the COVID-19?

Our town buildings were close to the public today, work from home if appropriate, stay away from the public, do business by phone, email, and web page
Based upon TMurray's numbers....

1809 / (1809 + 2335) = 0.4365 = 44%

As per my post, this is not an accurate determination. The math is right, but the methodology is horribly wrong.

Until those infected are either alive or dead after the virus takes its course, the current, overall numbers are not as relevant. If there are 24,000 people currently with the virus which has not resolved, then we have to wait until they are either dead or a survivor to determine the actual mortality rate.
Until those infected are either alive or dead after the virus takes its course, the current, overall numbers are not as relevant. If there are 24,000 people currently with the virus which has not resolved, then we have to wait until they are either dead or a survivor to determine the actual mortality rate.
To be fair to everyone, we will likely never know the actual mortality rate. To Ty. J's point, the actual number of those suffering are likely under reported due to lack of testing. We will likely never know how many are/were truly infected, but this is all simply a theory as there is no data one way or the other. Here, everyone displaying symptoms are being tested. Those without life threatening complications are being sent home for self-isolation. I would image most countries that provide healthcare would be similar. Now, Italy's system is completely overwhelmed, so I doubt they are even bothering with testing anymore.

My understanding is that in the US most people only go to the hospital if it is absolutely necessary due to the cost. Most of the rest of the developed world has healthcare, so their behavior is likely to be different than Americans.
We are open and doing new construction inspections. We are not going into homes for water heater or furnace change outs. We are trying out "virtual inspections" for the change outs. We ask the contractors to either face time us and we will walk them through what to show us or video it and send it to us for review.

85% of the time when we show up for a new construction inspection there is no one on the job.
Town hall is closed to the public but operating. The only way to access your needs in town hall is with an appointment. My building department is a separate building and we are open with limited access. Only one person at a time in our office, the others can wait outside.
24747 cases that resulted in 1809 deaths. 1809 is 7.3% of 24747.

Until those infected are either alive or dead after the virus takes its course, the current, overall numbers are not as relevant. If there are 24,000 people currently with the virus which has not resolved, then we have to wait until they are either dead or a survivor to determine the actual mortality rate.
ICE, Jar beat me to the explanation.

Can't calculate mortality rate if 1) number of known infected is inaccurate, and 2) if virus has not run its complete course, i.e. those sick have not recovered or perished, then they can not be used to calculate mortality rate.
ICE, Jar beat me to the explanation.
Can't calculate mortality rate if 1) number of known infected is inaccurate, and 2) if virus has not run its complete course, i.e. those sick have not recovered or perished, then they can not be used to calculate mortality rate.
Without testing Everyone there can never be a accurate mortality rate. We will never Know how many are infected. There are many, many out there that are infected and they do not know. Some will run it's course without any symptoms. Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary. She did not know she was a carrier.
Every country the numbers are different some like the US are on the rise and some are stagnant
World wide there is currently a 43% recovery rate, a 1% death rate and the remaining 56% infected and unknown what the outcome will be for them. Is this serious? Yes. Are we going overboard? Maybe, Maybe not if it keeps it from becoming a pandemic

Below is a link to a world wide map prepared and updated buy John Hopkins. Interesting to look at and see the actual numbers

Every country the numbers are different some like the US are on the rise and some are stagnant
World wide there is currently a 43% recovery rate, a 1% death rate and the remaining 56% infected and unknown what the outcome will be for them. Is this serious? Yes. Are we going overboard? Maybe, Maybe not if it keeps it from becoming a pandemic

Below is a link to a world wide map prepared and updated buy John Hopkins. Interesting to look at and see the actual numbers


Great find. Thank you.
Great find. Thank you.
When you click on the link you need to refresh the site after it opens.

The fact that the USA hasn't been testing tosses our numbers out. Apparently we are not able to test but South Korea has tested more than 250,000. This is news akin to Disney and their alligators.
Some municipalities that surround us are starting to close down all services. Some condos are closing down all construction (interior remodels). This is certainly uncharted territory on a global scale.
Business as usual here for now, but the end is coming I think. Almost every town around us has limited or stopped services and inspections. I expect to be an on-call employee starting next week. But maybe not. Who knows??
We just closed public services effective this morning. I am working from home and performing site inspections with additional PPE and are asking contractors to either remove themselves from the site or maintain social distancing. Our public health authority has indicated this outbreak is expected to last for between 8-10 weeks.
Starting to see daily work disruptions now. Sub-Contractors for bldrs closing down, handful of municipalities shutting offices and having people work from home so that is slow inspections down. Many municipal offices closed doors to the general public.
A few bldg suppliers offering text, call, or email ahead only pick up services.
Been to friggen busy to stop in. We have closed all city buildings down for access by the public, or non-essential employees.

I am the only body physically present in the office.

Permit Tech, Plan Reviewers working from home (all electronic submittals and reviews), Inspectors (again electronically) divvy up inspections and do them, go home. No inspections performed on interiors of occupied structures, only exterior inspections, or unoccupied spaces, with access from the exterior.

Any non-working hours are back-filled with paid administrative leave.

For now..........

We'll see where this thing goes.........
Been to friggen busy to stop in. We have closed all city buildings down for access by the public, or non-essential employees.

I am the only body physically present in the office.

Permit Tech, Plan Reviewers working from home (all electronic submittals and reviews), Inspectors (again electronically) divvy up inspections and do them, go home. No inspections performed on interiors of occupied structures, only exterior inspections, or unoccupied spaces, with access from the exterior.

Any non-working hours are back-filled with paid administrative leave.

For now..........

We'll see where this thing goes.........

I hope we get more info like this to see what others are doing.
In Colorado, Larimer County, Weld County, doing the same. Boulder County and Boulder have more restrictions, and Gunnison County even more.