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Seeking Clarification on R310.6

Aren't you missing a bigger issue, as a condo with a board and CC & R's, what was the basement represented as at time of purchase?
Did you use a home inspector prior to the purchase?
Wouldn't any remodeling require board approval?
Who does the inspector report to?
Is this in a city or an unincorporated area of a county?

When I purchased the property in 2009, the basement was unfinished. Concrete Walls. Concrete Floor. Two tiny windows.
Yes, I did.
Not sure about the board approval, but I think so.
Not sure who he reports to directly, but I know he should have to answer to the state inspection board.
This is in a town.
Following his letter to me stating that I needed to come to his office to resolve the issue, I applied for a permit. He rejected the permit with a rejection letter which cites only R310.1. I do not have an egress in the basement, which is correct. However, with R310.6 it seems like I shouldn't be required to add one for alterations to an existing basement.

My current course of action is to wait until tomorrow (gov't offices closed on the holiday today) and ask. I would expect them to tell me the clarification of R310.6 and either tell me they can overrule him, tell me to appeal, or tell me I don't have a case.

As stated either re apply or resubmit and quote that section.

When an inspector cites something a person can always say what about this section.

But in your case do it in writing. That makes it offical and should get an offical response
Should? If a town then he usually reports to a chief building official, have you inquired?
What do the plans for the unfinished basement cal it?
Is it the full footprint of the house?
Should? If a town then he usually reports to a chief building official, have you inquired?
What do the plans for the unfinished basement cal it?
Is it the full footprint of the house?

I think this is a one horse town
? you live in it, no? What is its name?
Only problem I have with stating the name of the town is that it therefore names (effectively) the building inspector. I don't think it a good idea to affect this person's reputation. It certainly doesn't seem like it would help me.

I am gathering my information to call the state board and find out what they say. Hopefully I will get some answers soon.
One horse towns usually have a mayor and a city attorney, have you tried either one? Going to the state "jumps the shark", you need to go to his superior first.
One horse towns usually have a mayor and a city attorney, have you tried either one? Going to the state "jumps the shark", you need to go to his superior first.

I put in a call to the state inspection board, and I don't anticipate them getting back to me any time soon. (Voicemail)

I just talked to a group of contractors, showing them the basement, and explaining the situation to them, and they agree he is "being a ball-buster". They have recommended a certified Engineer to come down, examine for violations, stamp it, and hand it to the inspector and see what happens.
One horse towns usually have a mayor and a city attorney, have you tried either one? Going to the state "jumps the shark", you need to go to his superior first.

I am thinking reapply, and cite section and wording.

See what the response is.