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Troubled school inspectors slip through state's oversight

Marshal Burns, he married a teacher? Good God, just think of the pension he's going to get, a fireman's and a teacher's pensions combined? He's going to singlehandedly bankrupt the state.

No pensions here ....defined cont :( suffering like most who are doing or have been doing something to plan for retirement ;) She's not public school teacher anymore (over 17 years) :(

It's all a matter how one looks at retirement.....I'm simply planning on resigning from here soon and doing something part-time. 30 years in the business is enough!

BTW...say hello to Bob!
Awww Marshal Burns, I had you pegged at a million a year pension, when I read that your wife was a school teacher I had you far, far north of that, I always wanted a millionaire friend, before it's too late why don't you move to California where fire marshals are millionairs?
Geeeze Beach, we can't beat you guys, poor San Carlos voted to disband their fire department then start a new one with reasonable salaries and benefits, now they've got to pay their retiring chief $300,000.

Contra Costa Times said:
Retiring fire chief has $300K in unused sick pay

SAN CARLOS, Calif.—The retiring chief of the Belmont-San Carlos Fire Department is eligible for more than $300,000 worth of unused sick pay when he leaves next month. Chief Doug Fry says he's only been sick for three days during his 36 years on the force.

Fry officially retires in mid-June, but he's asked to take unused administrative leave time so he can stop working this week.

The Palo Alto Daily News says Belmont-San Carlos fire commissioners consider that request Tuesday.

The Belmont-San Carlos Fire Department is scheduled to dissolve in October. Belmont and San Carlos will have separate fire agencies.

The San Carlos City Council last week approved a reduced salary and benefits baseline for firefighters who will be hired for the city's new department.¹
¹ http://www.contracostatimes.com/ci_18078812?IADID=Search-www.contracostatimes.com-www.contracostatimes.com
See Conarb! The Chief stayed healthy and not used sick days by working out all day and polishing his big shiny pickup truck, not sitting around in a lazy boy!! I'm sure he invested his money in real estate like most of the smart firefighters in California. :cheers
Jesus Christ, unused sick leave?

Please tell me that administrative leave is the same as vacation time.
In my state maximum payout at time of of retirement or leave of employment is 250 hours of vacation and 25% of accrued sick leave at a maximum of 250 hours. Sick leave is a benefit to be used when a person is truly sick. It should not be used as a savings account to be cashed in as a big payment on some future date.
mtlogcabin said:
In my state maximum payout at time of of retirement or leave of employment is 250 hours of vacation and 25% of accrued sick leave at a maximum of 250 hours. Sick leave is a benefit to be used when a person is truly sick. It should not be used as a savings account to be cashed in as a big payment on some future date.
Ya, but even the 25% or 250 hrs is a great perk. We get to sell a week of vacation each year...

Our policy is similar to yours but 50% max on accrued sick leave. I feel the same way about accrurals and why I use it as necessary. Some days I just don't feel like going into work and I call those stress leave since it would make me sick to be that stressed.
Our sick leave was based on years of service: 0% for 0-9 years, 25% for 10-14 years, 37.5% for 15-19 years, and 50% for 20 or more......12 sick days accrued per year if you worked 4 years and over. Now it's just called "Flex leave" and you use it for vacation or sick leave.
Using some tomorrow Beach 1/2 day since the Crappies are on the beds. Caught 12 last Friday afternoon with the smallest 10" up to 18". Reminded me of catching red snapper back on the Atlantic :) The weather has been crappy but should be warmer tomorrow with water temps up to the mid 60's.