• Welcome to the new and improved Building Code Forum. We appreciate you being here and hope that you are getting the information that you need concerning all codes of the building trades. This is a free forum to the public due to the generosity of the Sawhorses, Corporate Supporters and Supporters who have upgraded their accounts. If you would like to have improved access to the forum please upgrade to Sawhorse by first logging in then clicking here: Upgrades

Website wish list

FM William Burns

Oct 17, 2009
The Mitten State
As advised, here is a place members can add things for the Administration to consider and respond to without bogging down their PM or Email accounts.

Members should please keep in mind that this is a new forum format that we ALL are learning to maneuver with new tools and features. Please post on this thread any items you would like the Administration to address.

Be Kind!
Not sure, but sometimes when I jump out of the site, even though I have the "remember me" box checked, when I come back I have to log back in. Seems hit and miss, a couple times it did remember me.
fatboy said:
Not sure, but sometimes when I jump out of the site, even though I have the "remember me" box checked, when I come back I have to log back in. Seems hit and miss, a couple times it did remember me.
There are settings within your browser that can help you with that.
Hovering over the envelope icon in a Forum offers a preview of the OP. However, this feature does not appear to be present when in New Post view... I wish it was.


Upon further use of the new and improved site, hovering over the title in the New Post view does reveal the first couple lines of the OP.
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I wish I had a watermellon, , , wish I had a watermellon , , wish. . . .

Sorry! Flash back. The "Wish List" title had me going there.

I mentioned the spacing thing on the quote box which apparently can't get fixed and also the hope that "new posts" will display more than just what happened in the past hour.

Someone else mentioned the fact that if you log on from one computer you can't log on from another until you log off from the computer you originally logged on from (enough prepositions there?)

I can't download the spellchecker since downloads at the office are prohibbitted except from the IT folks who then place them as installations on our computers - so the spell checker is worthless to me right now (apologies in order for spelling therefore. . . ). If I try using my own spell checker it blanks out the filed - never had that happen before.
Forgot to mention this earlier..........if another member figures out how to do something asked in this thread, please post the information here (in addition to a PM to those needing help). That way we can help each other and put less burden on Jeff and Rjj.

For instance, similar to Gene I don't want to download the spellchecker on my work station.

Q: Has anyone figured out yet a work-a-round for using another format like Word's specll check and cutting and pasting without the fonts being so small when pasted into this patform?
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Not sure, but sometimes when I jump out of the site, even though I have the "remember me" box checked, when I come back I have to log back in. Seems hit and miss, a couple times it did remember me.
I noticed I wasn't logged in but I clicked on "Whats New" then I was. Did not fill in my name or password.

It works with any of the 4 drop down boxes on the top left.

I do not log out when I leave
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MTL said;

"I noticed I wasn't logged in but I clicked on "Whats New" then I was. Did not fill in my name or password.

It works with any of the 4 drop down boxes on the top left.

I do not log out when I leave "

Same for me. This is my home page and when it comes up the log-on boxes are at the top.

I just click on "FORUM"; and I'm in.


This is a good thread; we can help each other and Jeff should take some time off; about a week would be my suggestion.

Uncle Bob
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mtlogcabin said:
I noticed I wasn't logged in but I clicked on "Whats New" then I was. Did not fill in my name or password.It works with any of the 4 drop down boxes on the top left.

I do not log out when I leave
Yup, sure 'nuff. Just tried it.
I am using a MacBookPro with Safari as my web browser and no problems. For my PC I prefer Firefox by Mozilla over Internet Explorer. There are too many problems with IE. You guys need to make sure that you have updated software for whatever browser you use since it is free. Try Firefox if you are still having problems. We are basically all fixed on this end.
I'm using IE 7 something here with XP and no issues. The Home page comes up and I Log In and then I clicked Forum and presto. I'll play with the MS Word spell check and see if I can hack a work-a-round that will work here and put it up. Personally, I don't like downloading new stuff, been burnt (no pun) some. I really miss that "Uber Geek" icon. EDIT :ugeek:

Anyway, ya'll have a great Easter and weekend.........Check out the HBO series Pacific....it's pretty good...like Band of Brothers
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Spell check


Discovered that one can use MS Word's spell check on your personal computer or work station and just use this platform's default font and size (Tahoma - size 10) and you can cut and paste a response into the reply and it doesn't make it smaller. Same with cutting and pasting code text.
I did buy a Mac Pro and my son took it to school. If you all have a google tool bar that spell check will work. As for the IT guys cut you out! Well just run a wire to your station under the server connections! This way you will be out side the control and restrictions. If it is not possible, try Starr bucks or your local beauty parlor. The ladies like to surf the net while having their hair done and it seems they all have wireless with open access.
I suppose larnin to speal and rite ain't an opshun?

ha,ha, ha, sorry, couldn't resist. :D

Uncle Bob
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Remember the "View Active Posts" from the previous version? It chronologically listed the most recent posts, regardless of category. It's kind of like the "New Posts" on this version, but now only the posts that have been modified since your last visit show up... I liked the old one better.
I have been working on the what’s new button problem. So far I have found if you click on (what’s new) and then click (Mark Forums Read) it kicks you back to the forums tab. Then click (what’s new) again and I get the message below.

vBulletin Message

Sorry, there are no new posts to view.

You may search for posts updated during the previous 24 hours, here

Click on the here link and it works. It’s a few extra clicks but until we figure it out it works.
I do appreciate all the work that has been done; and especially saving us and keeping us together, when the ICC forum closed.

I understand that this BB may be more secure; however, I haven't seen any other advantages. From all the posts, it seems that this forum is more difficult to use and understand.

General questions for anyone having the answer:

What are the extras that this forum provides that the old BB didn't have; that anyone here is using?

How can you tell exactly how many of us made it here from former BB?

(I count 65 signed in on "Who's here please Post")

Can those that did'nt make it see the old BB; and know to come here or do we need to do something to help them?

BTW, the "What's New" list went from two pages of subjects an hour ago to only four now.

Still greatful for this forum,

Uncle Bob
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Lots of good stuff here.

Here is my question.

What is with the Home Page?

New system or operator error.


In the "go advanced" there are easier applications to upload stuff. Blogs, wait till I start blogging. You thought Filibusters were something :D stand by :lol:.

I can't wait for Pack to start blogging on this. We have a personal page now where people can post messages (like Facebook) which BTW I don't use so sorry for those who tried to friend me on it. Once we all get accustom to this we'll like it more. I'm learning new stuff daily.

Thanks, I use "go advanced".

Now, there is only one (1) thread that came up when I went to "What's New".

What is happening to the other "recent posts"; they are not showing?

Are they all being removed after a short period of time?

Also, I counted the posters on "Who's here Please Post". Are we down to 65 members on this BB now?

How do we know how many actually made it to the new site?


Uncle Bob
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I don't know if these stats are right or not but if you look under community...member list it gives you all the members. Shows that there are 517. How many made it???

This may be archived from the old site.

EDIT. I did an advanced search on those members who have posted at least 1 post and got a return of 283.

Another edit!!!!!Performed another search for members who have posted since April 1st 2010 and came back with a hit of 109
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