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Which is it?


Oct 21, 2009
Referencing 2006 IBC section 903.2.10.1:

[F] 903.2.10.1 Stories and basements without openings.

An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed

throughout every story or basement of all buildings

where the floor area exceeds 1,500 square feet (139.4m2)

and where there is not provided at least one of the following

types of exterior wall openings:

1. Openings below grade that lead directly to ground

level by an exterior stairway complying with Section

1009 or an outside ramp complying with Section

1010. Openings shall be located in each 50

linear feet (15 240 mm), or fraction thereof, of

exterior wall in the story on at least one side.

2. Openings entirely above the adjoining ground

level totaling at least 20 square feet (1.86 m2) in

each 50 linear feet (15 240 mm), or fraction

thereof, of exterior wall in the story on at least one


The question is, is this saying that both conditions must exist to kick in the sprinkler requirement or is it saying that a sprinkler is required in both cases?

I can read it either way and make it make sense! (?)
Not sure the question

and where there is not provided at least one of the following

types of exterior wall openings: