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Who else has this in their building code?


Oct 16, 2009
Not where I really want to be

468.3.3 Automated external defibrillator.​

Automated external defibrillators shall be provided in public educational facilities that are a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association.
Strange that it is in a building code. It does not require anything as part of the construction, so why place it in the building code?

468.3.3 Automated external defibrillator.​

Automated external defibrillators shall be provided in public educational facilities that are a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association.
AEDs Are Required in California Schools
Under Education Code §35179.6, at least one AED must be present in each California school with an interscholastic athletic program. The AED must be tested and maintained on an ongoing basis, and any expected users (such as coaches) must undergo CPR and AED training.
It's from SREF and state statute. Copied below from SREF and a link to the full version here; https://www.fldoe.org/finance/edual-facilities/sref/

453 is missing whole chapters of SREF, including this section. My guess is they copied this requirement to 468 so private and charter schools will have AEDs and public schools have to follow the full SREF either way so they'll have them too. Universities won't be members of the Florida High School Athletic Association so this wouldn't be applicable to them.

Here's the SREF requirement:
(k) Automated External Defibrillator. Pursuant to section 1006.165, F.S., automated external defibrillators shall be provided in schools that are members of the Florida High School Athletic Association. Where provided, they shall be maintained in a safe, secure, and usable condition.
In Massachusetts not required by the building code, required by other laws and regulation in health clubs, schools, long term care and dental office that administer anesthesia