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12 FT stair landing required in Assembly spaces?


Jun 19, 2019
Trying to find out if the 12 FT elevation change limit before a required landing in a stair applies to an Assembly, Unconcentrated classification. Please share IBC 2015 reference if you know it.
1011.8 Vertical rise. A flight of stairs shall not have a vertical
rise greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) between floor levels
or landings.

As I posted this, I thought; How do they do stadium seating? Coors Field, Mile High Stadium?

Having never done a stadium, I wonder how/if 1029.13.2 plays in, stepped aisles?

It is the only thing I see to allow it.
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Thanks fatboy, Stepped aisles are very flat stairs. I have an stepped assembly space with a stair 7/11 that serves as aisle.
Hello, I am told by expert in the office that my stair is a convenience stair. Because it will not be used for egress it does not require a landing at 12FT.
Hello, I am told by expert in the office that my stair is a convenience stair. Because it will not be used for egress it does not require a landing at 12FT.

Not into stairs, but if it looks like a stair it still has to meet code.

Ask the expert for to cite you the section with the exception.

Please post that section
1011.1 General.
Stairways serving occupied portions of a building shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1011.2 through 1011.13. Alternating tread devices shall comply with Section 1011.14. Ships ladders shall comply with Section 1011.15. Ladders shall comply with Section 1011.16.

Exception: Within rooms or spaces used for assembly purposes, stepped aisles shall comply with Section 1029.
How about clarifying what type of assembly place this is



Meeting room



Could matter
Ok guys,
Here is my understanding. As long as we have already provided minimum and appropriate number exit stairs, other stairs may be for convenience use and not required to meet exit stair requirements. The stair in my project serves a stepped seating area (not fixed) that is an assembly area spanning two floors. The building is fully sprinklered.
Ok guys,
Here is my understanding. As long as we have already provided minimum and appropriate number exit stairs, other stairs may be for convenience use and not required to meet exit stair requirements. The stair in my project serves a stepped seating area (not fixed) that is an assembly area spanning two floors. The building is fully sprinklered.

1011.1 General.
Stairways serving occupied portions of a building shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1011.2 through 1011.13. Alternating tread devices shall comply with Section 1011.14. Ships ladders shall comply with Section 1011.15. Ladders shall comply with Section 1011.16.

Exception: Within rooms or spaces used for assembly purposes, stepped aisles shall comply with Section 1029.
Ok guys,
Here is my understanding. As long as we have already provided minimum and appropriate number exit stairs, other stairs may be for convenience use and not required to meet exit stair requirements. The stair in my project serves a stepped seating area (not fixed) that is an assembly area spanning two floors. The building is fully sprinklered.
No, that is not true.

See 1011.1 (posted above by CDA).
1011.1 General.
Stairways serving occupied portions of a building shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1011.2 through 1011.13. Alternating tread devices shall comply with Section 1011.14. Ships ladders shall comply with Section 1011.15. Ladders shall comply with Section 1011.16.

Exception: Within rooms or spaces used for assembly purposes, stepped aisles shall comply with Section 1029.

Section 1029 does not say anything about landings...
Ok guys,
Here is my understanding. As long as we have already provided minimum and appropriate number exit stairs, other stairs may be for convenience use and not required to meet exit stair requirements. The stair in my project serves a stepped seating area (not fixed) that is an assembly area spanning two floors. The building is fully sprinklered.

The confusing way the code is written designers sometimes think that if a stairway is not required as a Means of Egress it doesn't need to comply with Chapter 10 which is not true but sounds like it because of:

1001.1 General. Buildings or portions thereof shall be provided
with a means of egress system as required by this
chapter. The provisions of this chapter shall control the
design, construction and arrangement of means of egress
components required to provide an approved means of egress
from structures and portions thereof.

MEANS OF EGRESS. A continuous and unobstructed path
of vertical and horizontal egress travel from any occupied
portion of a building or structure to a public way. A means of
egress consists of three separate and distinct parts: the exit
access, the exit and the exit discharge.
Non-required Stairs shall meet all of the requirements that required stairs meet.
You cannot put in a sign that says stairs do not meet code requirements.
Mark, when I am climbing up to the nose-bleed seats at Mile High Stadium, they look like stairs, like every stadium in the country. But they are not, they are stepped aisles, compliant with the specific requirements of 1029. How else could they be approved?
Building Code section 1029.13.2 Stepped aisles- Are not the same as Stairs nor do they need all the requirements of stairs