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Do I need AC disconnect when only on solar/residential


Jul 13, 2022
Builder owner in Coconino County (2017 NEC) working on my ground mounted solar. Working on the labels and final design and unsure whether I need an AC disconnect when there is only one AC source to the main panel. Does the main panel act as the AC disconnect? The inverters are about 30ft away and did read something about a 10ft distance but was confusing.
Should be designed by someone qualified, should be installed per plan by someone qualified, and should be inspected to the plans and per code by someone qualified. If any of those people involved are not qualified then all bets are off. Worse, if one of those three elements are missing forget about it....
Its fully designed. plan inspector loosely said to put placards so people "didnt get shocked". its working. Am asking about whether the main breaker needs a placard when acting as an AC disconnect. Its cool.
I'm sure the plan reviewer or inspector will tell you what you need....We normally need at least a line diagram...
Got one line, 3 line etc... Just need to get the placards sorted out. Bare minimum is fine - they are pretty lax since its my own build. Got most of them done but wasnt sure if I needed to add the AC disconnect placard on main breaker when its only one source.
Well ChaptGPT said the main breaker in a solar only will act as the primary AC disconnect and therefore needs to meet Section 690.12. So yes.
Sorry but how would that help determine if a placard is required by NEC 2017 on a main breaker?
Because the way in which the solar is connected to the rest of your premises wiring will determine what role(s) if any the main breaker plays as far as the requirements of Article 690 of the NEC, and its signage requirements.

Cheers, Wayne
Because the way in which the solar is connected to the rest of your premises wiring will determine what role(s) if any the main breaker plays as far as the requirements of Article 690 of the NEC, and its signage requirements.

Cheers, Wayne
Gotcha. Attaching 1-3 liners. Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 7.22.43 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-01-26 at 7.22.09 PM.png
Gotcha. Attaching 1-3 liners.
The detail required is everything not shown in your diagram. Everything on the AC side of the inverter up to the meter.

Also, do you have any DC load attached as shown? And does the system support AC backup, or when the grid goes down do you lose power to all AC loads?

Cheers, Wayne
Opps missed the notifications... No DC load - maybe someday but unsure. Actually took that 24VDC bank off the diagram. I do have generator support though its currently a manual crank thing. But it feeds into the Multiplus directly so just one line going to main breaker. Plan reviewer is fine w no AC disconnect or label since its the main breaker.