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ICC revises Code Development Methods


May 18, 2016
Hong Kong
ICC now will have two code committee hearings instead of one for the 2027 codes.

It was not mentioned what actions the committees will take at each meeting. Will they comment only at the first meeting or vote?

If the proposal is simple, can they find it acceptable, and avoid the second meeting?
ICC now will have two code committee hearings instead of one for the 2027 codes.

It was not mentioned what actions the committees will take at each meeting. Will they comment only at the first meeting or vote?

If the proposal is simple, can they find it acceptable, and avoid the second meeting?
It sounds like the ANSI process. A first round for proposals for changes, and a second round for comments on first round changes. NFPA has worked like that, as do at least ICC 300 and ICC A117.1. Usually the second round is shorter, since no new material can be introduced.

Just a guess.
Yes, it looks like ICC is getting closer to ANSI. Most of the other SDOs follow ANSI or something similar. Except in ANSI there is a public comment period, and the committee reconvenes to address the comments. Not sure what ICC is doing, the details are sketchy.
If it goes anything like the new "standards process" for the 2024 IECC, God help us all....Special interests will rule even more than they do now...