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Ventilation rate


Sep 3, 2011
Looking at IMC t403.3 and/or ASHRAE t6-1, or any other guiding document, does anybody have an idea as to what a "sewing area" be considered when trying to figure out ventilation rates? This is a room where 18 occupants will sit at sewing machines and work.
I'd put it as the same as a computer workroom w/out printing. Most comparable use provided.

No like sewing machines emit any vapor or create much dust.

Does the term "sweatshop" mean anything or working under the lights (hot?).

Temperature control and fresh air are two different things. I would agree somewhat with the computer workroom classification, however there is probably quite a difference in the metobolic rates. Perhaps a mix with that and commercial laundry?
Temperature control and fresh air are two different things. I would agree somewhat with the computer workroom classification, however there is probably quite a difference in the metobolic rates. Perhaps a mix with that and commercial laundry?
I'm wondering if commercial laundry ventilation rates assume additional moisture load that needs exhausted that would not be present in this situation.
Looking at IMC t403.3 and/or ASHRAE t6-1, or any other guiding document, does anybody have an idea as to what a "sewing area" be considered when trying to figure out ventilation rates? This is a room where 18 occupants will sit at sewing machines and work.

I am more concerned as to offgassing of dry cleaning chemicals that might impact workers.

Am I missing something? How do you guys sew down there anyway?
How is a sewing area any different from any other place where people sit and do assembly work? Does sewing release chemicals? Maybe it is a little dusty...but operators could simply just wear masks to comply with OSHA.
I made a site visit and met with the contractor. The use is an open floor where 5 to 7 people will make custom curtains, though I figured my ventilation rate on 18 based on the density. The previous use and existing ventilation exceeded what I think they need based on the what they were doing (using the computer room w/o printing is about the closest thing I could figure) so I am fine with it. Certainly if I thought it would involve dry cleaning, chemicals or a sweat-shop use I would have more concerns but this is none of those things so to them I say have a nice day and I wish them success in their venture.