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Accessible bar seating....

Jim B said:
Dining Areas need to provide an accessible route to and thru them:IBC 2009; 1108.2.9 Dining areas. In dining areas, the total floor area allotted for seating and tables shall be accessible.

And 5%, or at least 1 of the dining tables, or standing table shall be accessible

IBC 2009; 1108.2.9.1 Dining surfaces. Where dining surfaces for the consumption of food or drink are provided, at least 5 percent, but not less than one, of the dining surfaces for the seating and standing spaces shall be accessible and be distributed throughout the facility and located on a level accessed by an accessible route.

In my jurisdiction, we have determined that if accessible seating is provided within the space or room where the bar is located, then that would suffice for accessible seating in the space or room.

We do ask though, if the bar is to be used for walk up ordering or payment or take-out services (6 packs, to-go orders). If so then an accessible customer service counter
Thanks Jim.

Fixed seating is fairly uncommon in most bars, and usually on provided at built-in boots, which are even less likely to be accessible, in my plan review experience.

I guess the moral of the story here is, depending on the specifics of the project under review, seating may be required at the bar, if not provided at 5% of the fixed tables, depending on who you ask as the DOJ. Either way, it depends on who you ask at the DOJ. The letter we have on file from the DOJ for our specific situation required seating at the bar.
Good article, steveray.
Here in LA, you will often hear at popular restaurants something like: "the wait is 45 minutes for a table, or you can eat at the bar". If that's the case, then on the basis of equivalent facilitation, a restaurant owner might want to have a 34" high bar section.