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An average day

I was still in the street when I first heard the dog growl...it was more of a snarl than a growl...kinda like he was choking on a work boot....it definitely has a sour attitude.

Ok. So ... does calif code require insulation on piping and a thermal jacket on the WH? If yes, does it exempt piping against a wall?

There’s no official exception for existing pipe that’s against a wall. The water heater has internal insulation.
"New" code only applies to "new" stuff correct?

R102.7.1 Additions, alterations or repairs. Additions,
alterations or repairs to any structure shall conform to the
requirements for a new structure without requiring the
existing structure to comply with the requirements of this
code, unless otherwise stated.
Additions, alterations,
repairs and relocations shall not cause an existing structure
to become unsafe or adversely affect the performance of
the building.
"New" code only applies to "new" stuff correct?

R102.7.1 Additions, alterations or repairs. Additions,
alterations or repairs to any structure shall conform to the
requirements for a new structure without requiring the
existing structure to comply with the requirements of this
code, unless otherwise stated.
Additions, alterations,
repairs and relocations shall not cause an existing structure
to become unsafe or adversely affect the performance of
the building.

Where is the Temperature Pressure Relief pipe?

It is there. It enters the wall and ends up outside. I once had a T&P enter a wall and I couldn't find a termination. After I left, the determined owner opened the valve. The T&P drain pipe stopped in the wall. Water filled the stud bay and finally removed the drywall.

I've not given it any thought before but rotating the valve is probably not a great idea.

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So how about listing the four violations seen in the picture.....don't bother with code sections....I never do.....insulation is not one of them.
If I am not mistaken it looks like the vent is PVC and nothing is supporting it.
The vent is the existing transite.....and you are right about the "no support". One down, three to go.

There's actually five violations but one would be moot by the correction of another. One is unique to me...trust me I doubt anyone but me writes that one. Maybe two....ya there's two in that category. Hell's bells there might be more.
No fall protection for equipment requiring servicing within 10 ft of the roof edge?

Is a dented water heater OK to install?

No support for gas piping?

No thermal expansion tank?

No rain cap for exhaust flue?

No protective caps on rebar?

Electrical box left open / no cover?

What is the purpose of aluminum foil material on the sanitary pipes? UV light protection?

Water heater / electrical components not listed for exterior installation?
This T&P terminates way too high.

"Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men like ICE, who's gonna do it? You want ICE on that wall, you need ICE on that wall!!"

Something like that!