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Random Photos & Thoughts

Why don't you see elephants hiding in trees....they are good at it.

Why do elephants paint their balls red....so they can hide in cherry trees.

What's the loudest sound in the forest....giraffes eating cherries.
From another forum, worth sharing I thought.

Alligators can be your friends

An elderly man had owned his large farm in Louisiana for many years.
Right at the back of the farm, there was a large pond that was ideal for swimming. The old farmer had fixed it up real nice with picnic tables, horseshoe courts and some apple and peach trees.
One evening the farmer decides to go down to the pond, to look it over, as he hadn’t been down there for a while.
Before setting off, he grabs a five-gallon bucket as he decides he’ll bring back some fruit.
As he nears the pond, he can hear voices shouting and laughing with glee. Clearly, someone is having a good time.
As the farmer gets closer, he can see a bunch of young women who are clearly skinny-dipping in his pond.
He makes the women aware of his presence and immediately they all swim over to the far end.
One of the women then shouts, “We’re not coming out until you leave mister!“
The farmer replies, “Ladies, I didn’t come down here to watch you swim naked or make you get out of the pond. You carry on.“
The wily old-timer then holds up his bucket and says, “I just came down here to feed the alligators!“
That was in my link. If you Google map "Huangjuewan Junction" you can see it. Try satellite view too.

I bet it didn't take them 10 years like the simpler Jayne Burn Interchange in Chicago.
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Has anyone ever seen a Volkswagen [ Beetle ] pickup ?


The RMS Mauretania ( circa 1906 -7 ). 4 full sized propellers.


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